Hitchens’ Predictions On Islam Coming To Fruition – IOTW Report

Hitchens’ Predictions On Islam Coming To Fruition

Hitchens warned that it would become illegal to criticize Islam. (Hello Trudeau.)

And he predicted that there would be Islamic Chaplains in the armed services.

It sounded impossible when he said these things.

10 Comments on Hitchens’ Predictions On Islam Coming To Fruition

  1. I am in Korea and tried to access an article critical of Islam. My effort was directed to the police. Apparently you can’t even point out how the scrum are murders and preach this gospel.

  2. he also said the modern police force would become semi para military clad social workers , how true !by the way google ” dar-al-harb ” the Islamic house of war in none muslim lands it explains everything

  3. Really like that guy wish he was still doing what he did best. But I guess G-d wanted him.
    [Hitchens’ Predictions On Islam Coming To Fruition]
    I think Stevie Wonder could have seen that coming.
    Liberals are way to Political Correct

  4. @I’m not an SJW: “Really like that guy wish he was still doing what he did best. But I guess G-d wanted him.”

    Before his death, Hitchens was an atheist. But not anymore. I miss him too.

  5. a prayer room was recently reported in a Texas public school, Muzz students are allowed their 15 minutes of Satan worship. Oh, the administrator said kids of all religions are welcome to use the room so it’s OK.
    Where are all the SJWs screaming separation of church & state?

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