SINKtuary Cities – IOTW Report

SINKtuary Cities

Sessions will defund sanctuary cities of their law enforcement grants if they do not enforce federal law.


Sessions highlighted a recent report from the Department of Homeland Security that showed more than 200 instances of jurisdictions failing to honor detainers in the span of just one week. The DHS also identified sanctuary jurisdictions in the report, which included New York City and all of Rhode Island’s state prisons.

The report detailed illegal immigrants who had been charged with sex crimes and murder that local jurisdictions failed to turn over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “The American people are not happy with these results,” Sessions said while speaking at the White House.

He said that he is “urging” states and local jurisdictions to comply with immigration detainers as a “condition” of receiving federal law enforcement grants. The attorney general cited DOJ programs that are anticipate to award more than $4.1 billion in the upcoming fiscal year. Sessions added that “the DOJ will take all lawful steps to claw back any funds to a jurisdiction that willingly violates 8 U.S.C. 1373.”

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9 Comments on SINKtuary Cities

  1. Bankrupt Illinois and bankrupt Chicago already don’t police many parts of the #BLM city. Any federal funds the city would be eligible for are probably already forfeited. That’s why Rahm can say Chicago will always be sanctuary. The “penalty” isn’t stiff enough. More concerned with funding pensions and raising property/sales taxes. An illegal knocking off a pension holder is a plus for the city.

  2. He ought to give a date such as April 15 for compliance. After that all money is cut, any money in the system is stopped. In order to get it back they have to be shown to be in compliance and monitored by agents from the DOJ who will be assigned to each city.

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