Muslim Women Day – IOTW Report

Muslim Women Day

Did you know it was Muslim Women Day?

I didn’t.

Unruly did, and he made a picture as a tribute.

Unfortunately for Muslim women, this next pic is not a photoshop-

12 Comments on Muslim Women Day

  1. I knew the top pic was photoshopped right away …. mussie wymyns don’t have the same rights as goats … but their beards are just as good
    … goats gots MORE rights … wymyns can’t make cheese w/ their milk!

    & … you can kill wymyns, but you can’t make jerky out of ’em

    … ok …. maybe

  2. There were pictures several days ago of Muslim women lining up on the Westminster Bridge in London in solidarity with the victims of the most recent terror attack. All well and good, but my questions is how much do they speak up at their mosque in opposition to terrorist training and attacks by the Imams?

  3. @Arby,
    Moose wymyn can speak freely at the mosques.
    Because they are separated from the ‘men’ into another room. Usually it’s in the basement. Under the room without tp with that hole in the floor.

    Behold the enlightened religion of pieces.

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