Look For This Company To Apologize in 3..2..1 – IOTW Report

Look For This Company To Apologize in 3..2..1

Kairos is a company that specializes in facial recognition technology. We wrote about this several days ago. This technology is under fire right now because the U.S. government is accessing databases, illegally, in order to build their own database that can, in theory, find anyone they want to track down.

I went to their site to poke around.

The company claims to be able to discern someone’s gender from a photo.


This is not at all PC, and if the right people see this, they will be hectored and protested and threatened until they revoke this claim.

ht/ all too much

6 Comments on Look For This Company To Apologize in 3..2..1

  1. They could probably get away with saying they can determine the gender distribution probabilities. Something like, “The probability that this person is biologically male and identifies as female is 0.04.”

  2. Seeing as “gender” is a false PC construct with absolutely NO foundation in fact or science then the company is certainly within its rights to assign “gender” to any of the faces identified through its scheme.
    What difference does it make, anyway, since “gender” is amorphous and can change with mood?

    “We are the World …”

    izlamo delenda est …

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