Trump Wants To Reform the VA and the VA Hates Him For It – IOTW Report

Trump Wants To Reform the VA and the VA Hates Him For It

We posted a story several days ago about a reader’s experience at the VA. He said that Trump’s picture is in a cheap little frame in a spot where a GRAND picture of Dear Leader used to be.

Gateway Pundit follows up with a story about the systemic abuse  and disrespect of Trump at many VAs throughout the country.

It’s almost like Trump’s promise of reform is an assault on the cushy atmosphere these government employees once enjoyed (while the veterans themselves suffered.)

Story HERE

7 Comments on Trump Wants To Reform the VA and the VA Hates Him For It

  1. Reassign the VA. Make it just an office of the DOD. Too many times I’ve heard other vets recount stories of having to ‘prove’ service related issues by providing records maintained by DOD to the VA. We’re building two sets of records on millions of people which invites error. There’s one big problem gone.

    DOD has medical branches in every service. Make the VA the feeder system for medical professionals the DOD needs for medical care for active duty.

    Specialize the really big facilities. When a service member or a vet has an issue related to that specialty, get ’em there.

  2. Can’t really blame them for being upset as they thought that old Hillary was going to win and they could keep their little “CON” going for at least four more years! A bucket of water got thrown on the witch, however!

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