Tell Us What You Really Think of Paul Ryan… – IOTW Report

Tell Us What You Really Think of Paul Ryan…


House Speaker Paul Ryan is simply a non-smoking, better-looking, non-alcoholic version of John Boehner who had no desire to overturn Obamacare because he is an establishment Republican who detests conservatives more than Democrats and is a sellout to the insurance companies with little regard for the American people who would be hit with skyrocketing health-care insurance premiums had the bill he crafted been passed by Congress and signed by President Trump.

…had Ryan’s bill passed the House, it would have been defeated in the Senate, since at least three Republicans – Sens. Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz – had announced to anyone who would listen that they steadfastly opposed it. My sources tell me other Republicans would have likely joined the opposition in the Senate if push came to shove.

So what was Ryan thinking?

What kind of a Republican House speaker wastes so much precious time on a bill going nowhere?

The same kind of House speaker as his predecessor, but maybe one whose ability to count votes isn’t quite as good.

I hope and pray Donald Trump and his team get the message.

Ryan is not his friend. Ryan is an obstacle to the kind of rapid changes Trump wants to see and must see to ensure the 2018 midterm elections go his way.

I hope, pray and trust that Republican voters catch on to this phony.

Why do you think he was Mitt Romney’s choice for vice president?

Republicans have a chance to turn things around in Washington, but Ryan is going to remain an obstacle to all that Trump is trying to do. I hope Trump got the message, too. He shouldn’t be threatening the House Freedom Caucus with retribution; he should be promising it to Ryan if he doesn’t get on the team fast.

Oh, I know Ryan can be a charmer, but he needs to be judged on what he does as speaker, not the words that come out of his mouth.


29 Comments on Tell Us What You Really Think of Paul Ryan…

  1. I think Ryan’s donors are rich Democrat’s and that the only reason he won his last election is because he had help from the Left. He’s an Obama lackey, thru and thru.

  2. Let me think, he builds a wall around his mansion, has 24 hour, armed security, and is trying to force feed us open borders. My first thought is he can kiss my homesick ass.

  3. I can remember not long ago that Ryan was the Republicans great hope. A young, telegenic man who was well spoken, a conservative who the people could get rally around. Didn’t take long for that to collapse. I don’t think Ryan is a shill, I think he honestly hold the beliefs he has. He is however, not the one to help shoulder the task of cleaning out Washington nor is he the one to try to find a workable change to the health care system that is not a repeal of just a few aspects of Obamacare nor is it a repeal of the whole thing at once. In any event he’s not the man to lead the GOP Congress in this time of massive upheaval and change.

  4. I knew the Republican party was a complete farce when everyone raved about Ryan’s ridiculous Path to Prosperity budget that was going to be balanced in 2030. He should have been laughed out of Congress but instead he is now speaker.

  5. Where’s his pussy hat? Gutless punk. He needs to get down in the trenches and use ANY means neccessary to fight the lying, obstructing, corrupt, mentally unstable leftists.

  6. AA,

    Have you been paying attention to what’s going on with the Health Care Bill? I think there’s a real possibility Donald Trump is giving them all a real life lesson in The Art Of The Deal.

  7. Blame the simpleton Repubes who put him in Speaker job…They are accountable, and should be tossed out of office on their big fat asses. Start with McStain and proceed through both Senate and House. These dregs of slag should be removed from it.

  8. It’ll all come out eventually….

    0bama used the NSA, FBI, CIA, and all the other intelligence agencies to mine the dirt on friends and foes….

    How else do you explain….

    Romney passing up the “kill” shot on 0bama following debate #2….

    Chief Justice Roberts’s tortured ruling that 0bamaCare was a tax….

    Speaker Boozer and RyanO rolling over for 0bama for 8 years….

    and every Demoncrat walking a fine line supporting everything 0bama did.

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