Republicans plot second attempt at Obamacare repeal – IOTW Report

Republicans plot second attempt at Obamacare repeal

C. Steven told me yesterday that this was to be announced today. His source was correct. Let’s hope we get it right this time, on a united front.

Wash Exam-

House Republicans on Tuesday discussed making a second attempt at repealing and replacing Obamacare in a closed-door meeting that was an attempt to “heal the divisions” caused when party infighting prevented legislation from passing last week.

“We are talking about how to get Obamacare repealed and replaced,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., said as he left the meeting.

The message from Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., was that despite last week’s failed attempt, the GOP could not walk away from the effort to repeal the collapsing law, and replacing it with Republican reforms. Lawmakers who attended the meeting said the group held “a good healthy discussion” about internal differences that sunk the bill last week.

“There was a unified message that we need to find a solution because a lot of Americans will be hurt unless we repeal the law,” Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga. said. “There is good, honest discussion going on. Good dialogue.”

Republican leaders didn’t discuss the specifics of a “Plan B,” but Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., a member of the House Freedom Caucus, announced his plan to use a legislative tactic that could force a floor vote on simply repealing Obamacare. The move would require 218 signatures on a discharge petition, and it’s not clear if enough Republicans would sign on to it.


Thank you to all the Conservatives who demonstrated the ability to think for themselves and as such helped us apply pressure on the “Freedom Caucus” to begin governing instead of obstructing. Obstruction by the “Freedom Caucus” was welcomed and appreciated over the last 7 years but now?

Now is the time to govern and provide relief to the millions of Americans suffering under Obamacare.  – C. Steven Tucker

23 Comments on Republicans plot second attempt at Obamacare repeal

  1. Let’s hope they get their act together on this. This pass it, to see what’s in it can’t happen. If President Trump would address the nation once it is put together, and before the vote, he can sell it to whole country. I hope paul ryan isn’t the spokesman for the effort.

  2. It’s amazing what you can do with a couple strategic tweets and walking away from the deal. I think Trump shined a big light on a bunch of incompetent fools. Non of them looked to happy trying to defend themselves on the Sunday news programs.

  3. “There was a unified message that we need to find a solution because a lot of Americans will be hurt unless we repeal the law,”

    Even those stupid kumquats understand that they can’t pass the buck without pinning themselves in a world of hurt.

  4. The road to success is never a ramp with graduating levels of success until final crowning achievement.
    It goes more like:
    Try again
    Miserable failure
    Try again
    Plain old failure
    Try again
    Spectacular Failure
    Try again
    Try again.
    (Repeat as needed until success)

  5. “Thank you to all the Conservatives who demonstrated the ability to think for themselves and as such helped us apply pressure on the “Freedom Caucus” to begin governing instead of obstructing.”

    Clarification, please: is this FUR’s remark (since it’s not in the linked article)? Or, who’s is it?

    This *can’t* be CST’s, after all his p!§$ing on the Freedom Caucus for preventing RyanCare (and all who criticized it) from passing.

  6. How will the Freedom Caucus make an impartial decision when the Cock Brothers have already informed them that anybody that votes for this legislation will lose their financial support. Which appears to be substantial.

  7. That’s my quote Czar. I used after watching my fellow Conservatives (who did NOT read the bill) regurgitate total FALLACIES about the American Health Care Act from other Conservatives who ALSO did NOT read the bill. That happened for about for three weeks in a row after the bill was released for all to read on March 6th. I’m appreciating and giving attribution in that quote to the non lemmings didn’t just walk lock step behind Rand Paul’s lies and instead decided to spend the 90 minutes of effort required to actually read the bill.

  8. I don’t see how painting everyone that disagrees with your viewpoint black and calling them obstructionists will help anything.

    Conservatives complain when their representatives line up like lemmings behind whatever garbage the establishment is pushing at a given time. Now, when a group of conservatives actually shows the backbone to stand up to the establishment and tell them they want a better bill before they will vote for it, they become “obstructionists” all of a sudden.

    There is a lot about this bill not to like (as I and others have outlined in various threads) and I think it is quite childish to start calling names just because fellow conservatives have a different viewpoint on whether this is a good bill or not.

    What’s wrong with making a better bill by taking more time to actually debate the merits / faults?

  9. @Bubba’s Brother March 28, 2017 at 5:26 pm

    Because without the half-black triple word score, OBSTRUCTIONIST is still worth 18 points, but RACIST is back down to 6.

  10. Grool,

    Google “Koch Brothers threaten to pull money from Freedom Caucus”

    Take your pick. There’s a couple pages worth, plus some new stuff. This should not be legal.

  11. Big Government always has solutions for the problems they create particularly when they’ve liberally exercised “implied powers” for the “general welfare” of its citizens. Otherwise is this really Constitutional?

    @Bad Brad
    Note: Koch Industries gave paul ryan and his pac $74,522 (2015-2016).
    Not sure what they gave to ryan as individuals

  12. @Bad Brad
    2015-2016 Koch Industries donated $10,969,516

    This cannot be a full accounting of their individual contributions, PAC, associates/organizations and other business interests. I would suspect their influence and contributions were in excess of $250 million or more.*

    I also suspect the GOP got the lions share, But like most very large business interests they play both sides.

  13. @Bad Brad – the Koch brothers HAVE given to democrats. lists the politician and the amounts. They appear to donate strategically so I’d assume it’s in states where they have significant business operations.

    Despite what is fashionable to believe today, the Koch brothers are not the GOP version of Soros. They are more libertarian by nature. I strongly disagree with their open borders policies but that is a long held libertarian view. They fit more into the Rand Paul camp. I have prominent libertarian friends who have known them for decades.

    As far as the Freedom Caucus goes, I don’t enough information to form any strong opinion. I can only judge them by their actions and, while I hated the Ryancare bill the Freedom Caucus did not do a good job of articulating what changes they needed to get behind it.

    I like FC member Dave Brat a lot and like to believe that he’s truly representing the voters and not the special interests so I’ll reserve judgement.

  14. Page O Turner

    It’s starting to feel like our Government is, of the people, for the people, and by the people, as long as you’re one of the people that can afford to buy favors.

    I totally agree with you on the articulation point. Somebody should have at least made an attempt to explain what, and why.

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