“I just wanted sex with her, then I’d return her home” – IOTW Report

“I just wanted sex with her, then I’d return her home”

Raeshawn Perez kidnaped a 7 year-old. A witness to the mother’s cries realized he saw the guy carrying the girl, so he hopped in a car with his girlfriend and tracked the guy down. Perez let go of the girl when he saw the hero and ran. The hero gave chase and tackled the guy.

When police arrived the man, obviously used to some other culture, said to the police, ” I was just going to have sex with her and then return her home.”

“Ohhhhhhhh,” said the police, and let him go.


33 Comments on “I just wanted sex with her, then I’d return her home”

  1. That guy is going to need a good rape/sexual assault/kidnapping lawyer. He should give Hilary Clinton a call, I don’t think she has much going on, and I read how show enjoyed getting that one guy off. This could be her big break.

  2. “Ohhhhhhhh,” said the police, and let him go.”. You have GOT to be fucking kidding me!
    What in the Sam Hill! Shit this pisses me off to me end. People that prey on/abuse/sex with children animals or old people should be tortured beyond measure. Omg I could SCREAM!!!!!

  3. I suspect the “Ohhhh” was a snarky comment. I read the article and that guy isn’t going anywhere but straight to jail to be somebodies bitch till they beat him to death.

  4. I was hoping the last sentence was “Perez’ head was blown clean off from the second shotgun blast, which is probably for the best since he most likely would have bled to death after the first shot which vaporized his entire crotch area.”

  5. Honest Officer, I’m a good boy. I wuz gonna put her back when I wuz done playing with her.

    OK…. Louie, Walter, Joey and Bradley: Take him out behind the shed and make sure ya put him back when yer done “playing” with him!

  6. C’mon people.. the last line of my editorializing is sarcastic hyperbole.
    Of course the police didn’t let him go!!!

    Sorry to throw you like that.
    Sorry for any broken lamps and coffee cups.

  7. It’s ok Fur. It was believable though, with so many true news stories of perps being let go because of stupid reasons. One recent judge let a rape perp off because the lady didn’t scream.

    Nothing broken, just my mind and I broke that a loooooong time ago Lol

  8. Hey CFM990, from the Wichita County article:

    “WFPD Public Information Officer Brandi Young said on Monday, “This was an isolated incident, we want to stress to parents that it was isolated and there’s not any danger in the community from this. But to keep in mind safety tips on watching your children especially if they’re playing outside or when you’re out shopping always keep them close to you.””

    So officer Brandi says that this is an isolated incident? Are you kidding me? Time for conceal and carry. Oh and let’s permit the public display of nooses’ as well.

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