Entire CNN Panel Mocks Dems For Their Outrage Over Mnuchin’s “Ethics Violation” – IOTW Report

Entire CNN Panel Mocks Dems For Their Outrage Over Mnuchin’s “Ethics Violation”

When you’ve lost CNN you’ve… lost.

Steve Mnuchin, the Secretary of Treasury, was asked by reporter Mike Allen to recommend a movie. Allen knows Mnuchin is a movie financier. Mnuchin warned Allen that he had to be careful about ethics violations and said, “but you asked. So, send all your kids to Lego Batman.”

Everyone laughed, except the desperate left. They want to pursue the issue. Seriously.

Not only did CNN eye roll, they showed clips of Lego Batman.


9 Comments on Entire CNN Panel Mocks Dems For Their Outrage Over Mnuchin’s “Ethics Violation”

  1. I’m confused sometimes about “fake” news – but here’s a pretty clear example of what fake news is.

    It’s also a pretty good example of why every so called “journo-porno-list” in America needs to be laughed out of town.

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