Evelyn Farkas – The New Gruber – IOTW Report

Evelyn Farkas – The New Gruber

Loose-lipped Farkas admits that they were spying on Trump and that the white house knew all about it.

29 Comments on Evelyn Farkas – The New Gruber

  1. Her excuse was that they were grabbing all the Trump Russian connection material as they could as well as disguising the sources still inside in case the Trump people would come in and destroy the material and fire the sources. I think that must be treated as at least espionage and should be prosecuted as such. She needs to be arrested, held and interrogated to get the names of all those involved but especially those still there that they were suing as leakers. Serious jail time has to come out of this along with decades of probation. This can’t be allowed to pass regardless of the caterwauling of Pelosi, Warren and the rest.

  2. How stupid would you have to be?
    Telling the world about our security
    and intel operations concerning the Russians
    or any frickin foreign country for that matter.
    She looks like tarded Chelsea C. going to be on the looong Clinton list of people who had accidents…

  3. Oh man is that Farkas moron some kind of stupid. Weapons grade. Industrial strength. Keep in mind there are hundreds, nay thousands, of hard core communist leftist true believers exactly like her running around DC in the agencies on the Hill, 20′ over their head, doing sweet FA. They go to meetings, they talk. This Farkas moron would expect a full bird Colonel to get her coffee. That is a part of “The Swamp” that is largely unknown outside the Beltway that badly needs draining. I believe the best way is to just cut cut cut fed gov’t jobs. It would be hard to pick them off one by one, there are too many. Just eliminate 500 jobs here, 1000 there, and de facto you will knock out a bunch. Awesome photo BTW, friggin hilarious BFH, nice work.

  4. I wanted to add “….doing sweet FA and pulling down $150,000/yr, full benefits, and a government pension.”
    These people think they are heaven sent. They tend to come from $$ and are fully set financially. They never baled hay, fixed fence, used an outhouse, slopped a pig, or even unclogged a toilet for crying out loud. I hate them. I live and work in this place and have dealt with them on nearly a daily basis. No I do not drink heavily.

  5. Uncle Al,

    It will be a car. The CIA hasn’t figured out how to crash your boat yet. But I’m sure they are working on it.

    All things considered that’s an interesting comment though. LOL

  6. DAmn straight there, M-T. How about drinking beer out of a can in that F-150 on a gravel road? I don’t have a beard and am not a lumberjack. How did my late father put this — “That guy never has been off concrete.” That in itself does not offend me. The issue is that these wusses that are disconnected with the 90% of this country that is rural look down at people in flyover country — but they never have been there and if they had, they know that most of those people would be happy to help them fix a flat tire on a gravel road in a rainstorm at 35 degrees, and say ‘happy to help.’

  7. IF she/he is invited gratis to an exclusive weekend of hunting or sewing quilts in the West Texas wilderness…she/he would be advised to decline….too bad Scalia didn’t pick up the stench leading to his murder.

  8. Agree 100% w Aug Snub. The entire Scalia incident stunk to high heaven and that whole crime scene autopsy processed was not handled appropriately. No one ever will convince me that Scalia was not murdered. lOve the crickets and lack of curiosity from the mainstream media on the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of a Supreme Court judge on a hunting trip in Texas? WTH?!!? The Pravda media goes silent and moves on to Donald Trump allegedly pulling a girl’s pigtail in 3rd grade. Rotten bsrds.

  9. She’ll be just fine. She’ll probably testify before Congress, but she’ll be rude and haughty, and she’ll plead the Fifth a dozen times. The next day, the MSM will be braying about how she DESTROYED her interrogators. And the day after that, they’ll be trying to run her for office somewhere.

    The Dems just don’t care. They’ve watched the rot at the VA go unpunished. They see Koskinen still running the gestapo IRS and Lois Lerner in comfortable retirement. They see that nobody but Kathleen Sebelius lost their job over Obamacare,and she’s also in comfortable now. And the architect of Obamacare, Gruber Pussy, is still taken seriously by people who should know better.

    Sorry to be such a wet rag, but we’ve all seen this movie before. Many times. The best we can hope for is that the most dangerous Undocumented Government moles and saboteurs are found and fired by PDT.

  10. Thirdtwin, that deserves more than an upvote. Two thumbs and bravo. You knocked it out of the park. Where is Lois Lerner today? Not only is she in her taxpayer funded mansion for being a communist who targeted people, I expect that she is pulling down a six-figure pension — if she still is not getting paid!! She should be in a cell on bread and water rations. Someone should have taken Koskinen out back with a firing squad. Sebelius should be in the cell with Lerner tho’ myself she too would have gotten the firing squad.

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