Want a Job in NYC? Do Some Jail Time – IOTW Report

Want a Job in NYC? Do Some Jail Time

Are you a law-abiding citizen that has been looking for a job in NYC?

Well, you’ve been doing it wrong. The way to get a job, guaranteed, is to go to jail (but make sure you get released.)

NY Post-

Every inmate who leaves a Big Apple jail after serving a sentence will have a job waiting for him or her, under a new city-funded initiative, Mayor de Blasio announced Wednesday.

When asked why ex-convicts were being guaranteed work over unemployed residents who haven’t broken the law — including city high-school and college graduates — Hizzoner insisted the initiative, which will cost taxpayers $10 million a year, is a “smart investment for everyone.”

“Getting out of the cycle of crime and incarceration is in everyone’s interest,” he said.

“It’s part of life and we have to do better and better at breaking that cycle. And that is in the taxpayer’s interests, that’s in the community’s interests, that’s humane, that fits our faith traditions.”

He urged unemployed people to head to a Workforce Career Center for job advice.

Under his Jails to Jobs initiative, “transitional employment” — which is voluntary and lasts up to eight weeks — will be offered to an average of 8,500 ex-cons a year in an array of fields.

For some former inmates who lack basic skills, the gigs will be nothing more than paid job training, the city said.

One organization the city will be working with, the Fortune Society, has helped ex-inmates get positions in food services, maintenance, advocacy and media.

No one will be disqualified from the program based on their past criminal history, even if they have gang ties or were sex offenders, according to Department of Correction Commissioner Joseph Ponte.


ht/ js

12 Comments on Want a Job in NYC? Do Some Jail Time

  1. When I was a young collage student, who was working full time and going to school full time, I would often consider doing a felony just to get caught. I figured I could get a Phd for free and have the street cred to get a teaching gig at a University when my time was up.

    The idea of being buggered tipped the “pros & cons” scale all the way to “con”.

    This kind of libtard logic is going to result in a civil war.

  2. Hmmm. Bribing people with jobs so they won’t commit crimes, basically. Reminds me of bribing people with welfare so they won’t riot and loot. Yep, definitely in the best Democrat traditions.

    Well, you gotta hand it to ’em – at least they’re consistent.


  3. Ha! Being in jail IS the desire of many. But to stay!

    I was leaving visiting hours at the local county jail (long timers have heard my story here) and as we were waiting for the elevator, a black man lamented how they gots it good in here and he wished he was in jail.

    Why? I asked. “Three meals a day, a place to stay, medical attention.”

    But you wouldn’t have any freedom.

    “That’s ok. It’s hard to get by on the street. I don’t need that freedom”

    I could only shake my head. Yeah. The government has created the gimme free shit crowd so much, people don’t even want to try or even succeed at all. Too much work when you can get it all for free. It’s all they know how to do.

    Hey, if they don’t want to work and the gov is alright with supporting them, then working and not paying taxes is a step up and should be ok. At least you’re not a burden to others like the gimme crowd is.

  4. in theory it isn’t a BAD idea, since this is sort of a rehabilitation/halfway house/job training thing. It may prevent recidivism.

    In theory.

    Communism is great in theory too.

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