What is it you think Flynn has to offer? – IOTW Report

What is it you think Flynn has to offer?

Earlier today, Flynn offered to sing if he was granted immunity.

What’s his song?


35 Comments on What is it you think Flynn has to offer?

  1. Contrary to popular belief, Flynn was fired for LYING. Uncharacteristic for a career military man. After today I don’t trust a damn thing he does or says. Very disappointing

  2. He was not fired, he withdrew. He did not lie, he omitted information. He was outed illegally by a felonious leaker.
    Frontpagemag.com The Civil War is Here. Daniel Greenfield.
    Let’s see what Ms. Evelyn Farkas has to say when ass is dragged before Congress and,I hope, the Courts. OK Lycidas?

  3. Nice to live in LaLa land, Moe Tom. Keep chanting that to yourself, “he didn’t lie, he omitted… he didn’t lie, he omitted, he didn’t lie, he MISLEAD.” Oh yeah, that’s a frickin’ lie.

  4. Well, since “committee members” have said discussions have taken place regarding immunity, and Nunes says immunity has not been discussed, we can only surmise that either he is in discussion with the democrats to testify for them, or this is more false news. But I don’t trust the guy. He WAS fired for lying (at least that was the story), so he may have an axe to grind.

  5. Tommy I’ll bet you a bottle of Dewars that never happens. Neither will Podesta ever be questioned about the 7.5 bazillion dollars he has invested in Russian companies. Or will Hitlary ever take the stand, or her foundation the investigated for her selling the Russians half our Uranium resources. We need to start hanging people.

  6. Nothing like a lib smoke screen of wait and see, Moe Tom. Lets see what they do to justify their actions. Pitouee. Liars and thieves will tell you that everyone lies and everyone steals. Waiting… 3, 2, 1…

  7. Latest News Samson. Flynn did not, not ask for immunity. More fake news. Flynn will tell the truth. Let’s wait and see. I’m for Flynn
    all the way. If I’m wrong, I’ll admit it. But I was right about Trump from the outset.

  8. I’m gonna laugh like hell if Flynn and Trump have planned this whole thing to expose the democrats at the democrats request.

    Immunity works against the democrats as well.

    I’m gonna keep an open mind about Flynn until I’m convinced otherwise.

  9. If ya get immunity, can they still throw ya in jail for refusing to answer a question? So he has to answer even if it’s about National Security?
    maybe he’s just hedging all bets, since there will be lying, theiving Democrats grillin’ him.

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