I Smell Bush – IOTW Report

I Smell Bush

A new explosive report has emerged that vindicates Nunes, as well as Trump.

As Rush pointed out the other day, given the timeline when these surveillances took place,  it was ridiculous for the Russian’s to clamp onto a future puppet and choose Trump. Jeb Bush was the coronated one. Trump was a distraction in a field of also-rans.

As the debates progressed it was Trump who gained traction, and almost weekly he was single-handedly sewing Jeb’s ass to his face, humiliating the anointed one.

That’s when surveillance of Trump went into high gear.

A tweet earlier today-

Call me crazy, but this sounds like they are describing the Bush family.

Or, I am crazy, and the leaker is McCain?

What do you guys think?

Full Story at TRS.

18 Comments on I Smell Bush

  1. The opposition research that produced the Russian golden shower was first funded by a Republican. Jeb! had the big money so my bet’s on him.

    When he dropped out a Democrat funded the research. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

    As for the one high up in intelligence my bet is on Clapper. He lied to Congress knowing he’d get away with it. He monitored the Senate Intelligence Committee (Diane Feinstein) knowing he’d get away with it. He was sure Hillary would win so anybody who knew he spied on Trump either wouldn’t care or would be grateful to him. Other possibilities are Morrell or Brennan – for the same reasons.

  2. Bush/McCain make sense. A dynasty was under fire and something, anything, had to be done to stop that from happening, which meant eventually stopping Trump. Add in the Farkas leak disclosures revelations, and Obama’s last minute order allowing sharing of intelligence, and the possibilities become staggering. Very strange bedfellows lining up.

  3. “The email in question was an invitation by David Brock to John Podesta regarding his book launch. The venue for the event would be at the home of Lynn Forester de Rothschild.

    Researchers quickly pointed out in the comments that Lynn Rothschild was a close friend of Hillary Clinton and, just as importantly, she sits on the Board of Trustees at the McCain Institute.”


    I think we will learn that Evelyn Farkas is also affiliated with the McCain Institute for International Relations.

  4. All of the hype and ‘investigations’ will probably end like the Clinton debacle!

    My biggest Trump disappointment; not investigating HRC, without prejudice.

    However, with Comey and so many Obama
    planted ‘-stools’ leftover, I have little faith that ANY of the investigated turmoil will be resolved.

    Watching the congressional investigations is less productive than observing monkeys at the zoo and not nearly as entertaining. Hell, if it weren’t for adult diapers, we’d probably have real poopy fights, instead of the rooster posturing we see. Shameful.

    And the big stink about giving Flynn immunity; once again stupidity rules the congressional committees. Even the lowest rats in the Clinton debacle got immunity! Lawyers insist upon it, because YOU CAN’T TRUST CONGRESS OR THE GOVERNMENT!

  5. There were reports all over the military and political FB pages two weeks back that it’s Mcstain. Rememer he’s the clown that came forward with the story about the Russian Hotel Room and Trump urinating all over some hooker.

  6. Have patience everybody. There is a lot to do to uncover the layers of slime in the swamp before the draining can commence. There are some who can just be flushed, while others must be fully revealed and implicated with evidence so they can be hung.
    I suspect the true patriots will give Trump four years to show he is making progress. After that, if nothing has changed, all bets are off.

  7. “Oh! what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive,” Sir Walter Scott circa 1796. Mudderfookers haven’t
    learnt shit all this time. Mr. President, keep Gitmo open.

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