Transgender Tales – IOTW Report

Transgender Tales

From MBigBeaver-

The VA that I do some contract work for has a large number of men transitioning to women. The average age is 64.
Got that. 64 years old and only now deciding they were women all along.
Here is you gov dime at work:  They are paying a fortune for hormone treatments, estrogen, etcetera, as well as endocrinologists. Of course they are all seen in the Women’s Health Center at the VA for their breast and vag exams…dont ask…
Got that. Guys are going to get their “vaginas” checked out, even though they still have penises. I get one doctor visit a year under my crap healthcare plan and have to pick and choose when an ailment “might be the one” worth checking out. Meanwhile, Nutso Fruitcake is getting his future fake genitals a thorough exam, on my dime.
I see a lot of them in pulmonary clinic. They all seem to be smokers. (Not just pole smoking, actual cigarettes.) And every single one of them is prescribed expensive viagra! When I ask why a guy looking to get rid of his penis wants Viagra I’m told it is so they can get hard and have an orgasm while getting cornedholed. So not only do you pay for the conversion therapy but also for the viagra to counteract the effects of the estrogen on their dicks!
See why I got out of the VA.

26 Comments on Transgender Tales

  1. I guess their thinking is that if they can’t get it up anymore, why not switch from a pitcher to a catcher. However, Viagra should be able to help with that little problem in the first place, so why go through all the hormone BS? Incidentally, a lot of private health insurance plans won’t cover Viagra, so why the hell does the military?

    In situations like this I always ask, WWJWD?

    I’m pretty sure John Wayne would be busy kicking ass and taking names. Right after he finished throwing up, that is.

  2. Believe me guys, I don’t have a problem with the VA in New York. I deal with New City Clinic, Bronx VA Hospital, and Castle Point. They treat me professionally. But I don’t have a problem with my dick. I can still piss through it all I ever need is one half a Viagra pill a week so I don’t piss on my shoes, or on the floor which really pisses Mrs. Moe off. Otherwise these sick cunts in charge of the VA can kiss my ass. Clean the swamp, Mr. President.

  3. Where are those knob jobs in the AMA?
    They should be speaking out about this lunacy.
    Piss on the Gay Mafia
    Do the right thing and treat this as what it is: A deep Psychological disorder

  4. I remember commenting here years ago when a lesbian was appointed to General, I said “from General Ike to General Dike in such a short period” BFH saluted me for that comment. But now it has gotten worse. Now you have guys getting their dicks cut off to get promoted. President Trump Stop this shit!

  5. They are supposed the split the weenie in the middle and create a vagina with that tissue in the peritoneal cavity. The erectile tissue is still sensitive but just doesn’t get the same orgasm as a genuine woman’s hoohah does.

    Now that I grossed you out with that tidbit I want to say that these sick mother f8ckers need to be locked up. Bring back the old state mental asylums for these insane creatures. At the very least take back the NEA and teach the upcoming generations the truth about this idiocy. We cannot go on as a civilization where the traditional family is denigrated as bigots.

  6. 64 years old? Sounds like a bunch of guys who need some leather wallet-lacing therapy — in other words, a real hobby. Even if they were into straight sex, to be that obsessed with sex at all is obsessive and the whole shebang is what they fill their days with. When they’re not at the VA having their junk fondled by a doc, they’re probably busy on the internets checking out the ways they can put it to use (porn).

    The only thing needing cut off is the taxpayer expense of this strange hobby. It’s elective. Same for the guys in prison. If they want to alter their stuff they can do it at their own expense. Taxpayers who don’t want to pay for others’ abortions shouldn’t have to pay for this, either.

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