Moron reporter who once asked Trump “Why should Americans trust you?” Tweets #FAKE NEWS – IOTW Report

Moron reporter who once asked Trump “Why should Americans trust you?” Tweets #FAKE NEWS

Why should Americans trust Peter Alexander?

The dipwad retweeted a picture that was purportedly showing an impropriety by the Trump Organization.

The Daily Caller reports-

NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander was one prominent journalist who shared Brack’s tweet. He circulated it to his 163,000 followers.

What’s the problem with this story?

The billboard is years old and was taken down well before Trump or Duterte were leaders of their respective countries.

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11 Comments on Moron reporter who once asked Trump “Why should Americans trust you?” Tweets #FAKE NEWS

  1. I don’t want Rodrigo Duterte at the White House, but I don’t remember any outrage when Obama hosted that US-Africa Summit and dined with all kind of dictators and assassins.

  2. LOL His tweets listed above aren’t there any more.

    Gosh. I wonder why?

    I like going to the tweets to read the slams in the timelines of stuff like this. Sadly, not going to happen this time. 🙁

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