Ladies – A Few Things About Balls – IOTW Report

Ladies – A Few Things About Balls

1- Our balls, usually, aren’t the size of tennis balls.

2- They don’t hang down, usually, past the middle thigh.

3. They don’t flop around, usually, twisting in the wind, tethered by strings, flopping to the middle of the outer thigh.

Having said that, I’m sure some guys will say, “speak for yourself.”

To that I say, “why would you want, and brag about, gigantic testicles?”

The women in this video would be right.

It would be difficult to ride a bike, play sports, uhhhh… sit with abandon.

I pity anyone with tennis ball-sized balls. And I insist they go in the health insurance high-risk pool. lol.


Video here of women strapping balls on for a day and trying to go about their business.

ht/ illustr8r

26 Comments on Ladies – A Few Things About Balls

  1. Someone has apparently never been in presence of actual testicles before, and is setting herself up for real disappointment in the slim chance that she ever is.

  2. OK, guys counter that by taping two one quart jugs filled with fat onto your chest and let them hang down to your navel and then go about your business!!

  3. OK, guys counter that by taping two one quart jugs filled with fat onto your chest and let them hang down to your navel and then go about your business!!

    @Fish: HAHAHA! Yes, this would be a good analog!

  4. Anything, anything for attention. Young people (men) listen: run away from idiots who broadcast their stupidity and weakness (tats, studs, nose rings, purple hair, communist symbols, fat parents).

    This one’s easy, stupid fad-driven mind and no thigh gap.

  5. @reboot
    I have tried to recall what those were called for decades.
    The Clacker Case Solved…
    /me Thanks You. Sorta.
    That little clacker prick woke me at 6AM walking past my place. Only Twice.

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