For the Love of Barnhardt – IOTW Report

For the Love of Barnhardt

From: Stephanie Nanes

Subject: Daily Show Opportunity

Hi Ann-

My name is Stephanie and I’m a Casting Producer in New York. I’m currently working on a piece for The Daily Show and I think it might be a good opportunity for you. I’d love to give you some additional info. Do you have a few moments to chat later today or tomorrow?



Stephanie Nanes
Casting Producer
Blackfin TV


No, I shall not now nor ever be appearing on “The Daily Show” nor any other mainstream/cable TV show. Never.  Never, ever.  Why do you think that I would appear on such a wretched, vile cesspit of post-Christian, post-human totalitarian ideology as what The Daily Show and the rest of the media have become?  Do you honestly think, after researching me, that I am the sort of person who would, in exchange for a few days or weeks of spiked web traffic, sell out absolutely everything I believe in and stand for by appearing on The Daily Show or any other mainstream/cable media outlet? After researching me, do you honestly think that I am so stupid that I don’t know that The Daily Show would take every moment of my appearance, including non-air recordings (such as sitting quietly in front of the camera, waiting to go live) and have that edited into full-blown agitprop trying to paint me to your audience of children and contra-educated adults in the most unflattering light possible, no matter how utterly mendacious?  And beyond that, if I were allowed to actually make a point, I would probably be a bit of a ratings “splash”, as many people are still, despite everything, “oddly” attracted to a person who actually believes what they believe, and state what they believe bluntly, forthrightly, and without fear.  So, again, why would I give The Daily Show potentially increased ratings by appearing on it given the damage that The Daily Show and the rest of the mainstream media has not only wrought on my civilization, but pridefully luxuriates in?

Fast and pray-


ht/ annie


40 Comments on For the Love of Barnhardt

  1. Don’t know what autoblab commie apparatchik hosts the Daily Show, but he/she is damn lucky Ann declined. Imagine a bear clawing the eyeballs out of a hyena.

  2. While I totally agree, I would really love to have seen her on video again. It’s been too long. I think the last time I saw her was when she burned a koran after having used bacon as bookmarks to keep her place.

    I’m a huge fan. Were I single, I swear I’d find her and ask her out.

  3. I always feel sorry for Ann. I don’t see a real happy person. She always seems to be half a click off from success. I hope someday she finds what she’s looking for.

  4. Brad,

    Don’t feel sorry for Ann. Ann is the most successful person I’ve ever been acquainted with.

    She’s also probably the freest person anyone would ever meet in their life.

    Ann is one totally squared away individual.

  5. The apostle Paul went anywhere he could to preach the saving Gospel of the grace of God. He humbly counted himself as honored by the Lord to be sent forth to vicious pagans; even though most men would (and did) think him a fool and his Good News foolishness, he knew some would hear and believe the power of God unto salvation, thus be saved from the Lake of Fire. So for Paul, to glorify Christ by pouring himself out unto death for those who were lost made it worth far more than any earthly cost.

    So…is this a missed opportunity here for Ann to preach the saving Gospel of grace of God to the lost?

    No, because Ann doesn’t believe it any more than the audience of hooting, railing heathens she would have been tossed before. Her church’s canon law, the council of Trent, warns that it’s anathema to believe what Paul preached for salvation. No Catholic is allowed even to believe it, much less preach it (“If anyone SAYS…”). It is forbidden under penalty of an official curse that is still in force. And more than most Catholics today, I’d bet Ann knows that very well.

    So while I admire Ann’s conservatism, and while she is 100% correct on what they would have done with video of her, her refusal is no loss as far as the cross of Christ is concerned. She has nothing to share.

    If you don’t believe me, ask Ann to explain what someone must know, believe and do in order to get to Heaven.

  6. Ann’s only mistake was assuming that Mr./Ms./Mrs./Miss/Mx. Stephanie Inane bothered to do research before reaching out. Guarantee that Stephanie did nothing of the sort.

  7. Good job Ms. Barnhardt. Obviously she has learned, as have all of us, that the media will never give any of us a fair chance. Now if she did go on that show, she should have made them sign an “Objectivity and Impartiality” contract with her. That is a contract to make sure that the producers of the show will not take advantage of her and anything that they record from the show.

  8. Just the consideration that someone like Ms. Barhardt would stoop to validate their crappy program by appearing on it shows a very loose grip on reality – blackfin TV – what an appropriate name; like sharks circling…

  9. BOOM!

    I was just thinking about Ann Barhardt the other day, wondering what she’s been up to lately. Good to see her give The Daily Show the smack-down it deserves.

  10. Appreciate and respect Ann’s firebrand torching of leftists. She may not like suffering fools, but it would have been fun to watch the dimwit millenials leftist ideologies go up in smoke after Anne got finished with them.

  11. Grool, you are a moron and a bigot. You know nothing about the Catholic Church.

    You are utterly wrong about the Council of Trent. It was a Church Council you fool, it has nothing to do with Canon Law you bigoted moron.

    Educate yourself before posting such filthy lies and misinformation. But I suppose that would be very difficult considering your obvious sub-standard intelligence.

    And when I call you a moron, I do not mean it in a colloquial sense, I mean it in a clinical sense.

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