Bernie Sanders stumbles upon inconvenient landmine left behind by Harry Reid – IOTW Report

Bernie Sanders stumbles upon inconvenient landmine left behind by Harry Reid

Bernie Sanders has a hope when it comes to confirming the next FBI director:


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8 Comments on Bernie Sanders stumbles upon inconvenient landmine left behind by Harry Reid

  1. I am SO glad you posted this MJA, I was pretty sure this was true but…I listen to a great local radio station that has 13 hours of conservative radio. They talk national and local (which is important to me) and between them and IOTW, I feel well informed! The only problem is their news source is CNN (I usually just remove my headphones). Yesterday, the news person was saying that the Dimwits were going to filibuster any selection for FBI director until they got a special prosecutor. I knew they were wrong (CCN usually is) but glad to hear from a reliable source!

  2. Repeal the 17th Amendment.
    States have no representation in Congress, and this should be remedied.
    The Senate is a farce: McCain, Sanders, Fauxahontas, Boxer, Feinstein, Van Hollen, Cardin, McCaskill, Kaine, Warner, …, blah, blah, blah, … a putrid pond of megalomaniacal Lilliputians vomitting regurgitated marxist dreck.

    izlamo delenda est …

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