Moron Congressman Calls For Trump Impeachment For Obstruction of Justice – IOTW Report

Moron Congressman Calls For Trump Impeachment For Obstruction of Justice

I’m fed up with these rabble rousers who have very little intelligence, or simply know their constituency is dumber than a sack of papaya pits, grandstanding on the floor of the house.

Al Green called for Trump’s impeachment for obstruction of justice because he fired the FBI director who was “INVESTIGATING HIM FOR HIS TIES TO RUSSIA!!!”

Does this idiot think the investigation, if there is one, ends because the director is dismissed?

Does he think it was Comey doing the investigation- making phone calls, sifting through paperwork, looking at digital data?

Is this guy that stupid?

Sadly, I think he is.

ht/ annie

20 Comments on Moron Congressman Calls For Trump Impeachment For Obstruction of Justice

  1. Hank Johnson, Al Green and Maxine Waters are in a lifeboat. Guam tips over and swamps the boat. Will midgets swim from North Borrea to save the giants?

    No, cause midgets be racisss.

  2. We just got done with 8 years of a POTUS who should have been impeached for actual crimes (Fast & Furious just as an example) and no one, from either party, would breath the word “impeachment”.

    Now it’s the word of the day and every moron in D.C. is trying to use it in a sentence.

  3. Poor fool does not realize that is within his powers, The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President. Read that slowly a few times or get someone to read it to you.

  4. We need to change the constitution to require an IQ test before someone can run for public office! They would have to grade above moron which would disqualify more than half of the current dirtbags and misfits!

  5. Whenever you see a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, you can be sure there’s a hushed up scandal just under the surface.
    Alexander N. “Al” Green (D-Tx). Al Green’s resume includes accusations of sexual assault of a former employee as well as failure to report $300,000 in campaign contributions

    Representative Al Green, Democrat of Houston, has been accused of sexual assault by a former employee in his Congressional office…

    Green’s former district director, Lucinda Daniels, claims she was assaulted at her home in May 2007. “He sexually assaulted her, she did not give consent,” said Daniels’ attorney, Chip Lewis. “He tried to pursue a romantic relationship after that, she spurned his advances.”That’s when Daniels claims the Congressman made things hostile at work. After her resignation Daniels says Green then smeared her character to possible future employers. Daniels, according to Green’s attorney, allegedly demanded $1.8 million from the Congressman.

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