Hey De Blasio… Is Drunk Driving Still a Minor Offense? – IOTW Report

Hey De Blasio… Is Drunk Driving Still a Minor Offense?

update: read all about this POS here.

He wasn’t drunk, he was drugged.


Mayor De Blase’ io famously said he would even protect illegal alien drunk drivers from ICE because drunk driving is not a “major offense.”

Well, a-hole, a 26 year-old 2 time DWI loser just plowed into a crowd in Times Square, killing a woman and injuring nearly 2 dozen.

No word on whether this scumbag is an illegal or not.

19 Comments on Hey De Blasio… Is Drunk Driving Still a Minor Offense?

  1. That blur that just passed by was an ambulance chasing lawyer who is going to use Red De Blasio’s own words to lay blame on NYC and sue the city for maybe $100 million.

  2. I hope NYC gets sued to the hilt. If the guy is illegal, then I hope the fact that NYC is a sanctuary city gets factored into the lawsuit, cuz the guy shouldn’t even be in the US

  3. Two drunk driving offenses. I say one and done, license suspended forever, go to jail, for everybody, aliens deported after serving time.

    For citizens add community service, should be on call 24 hours a day to witness every vehicle fatality, or graphic photos, within a 100 mile radius.

  4. Was he born here? That should be factored into the equation. We’ve reached a time called, “things I can have my citizenship revoked over.” One thing I greatly appreciate about some of the younger Millennials and Gen Zers, over Boomers and Gen Xers, they have a more common sense, less John Lennon’s Imagine type view of immigration and the silly “melting pot,” ideas. They understand diversity has been a complete failure, and is destroying not only our country, but the countries of the immigrants entering our country. Hopefully, they will be able to wrestle away the controls in time to steer the ship before the whole thing goes full on Titanic, but I remain skeptical…

  5. “Two drunk driving offenses. I say one and done, license suspended forever, go to jail, for everybody, aliens deported after serving time.”

    Draconian penalties like that are reserved for big bucket soda guzzlers.

  6. “drunk driver who was executed” – recidivism = 0

    Would save many lives.

    BTW, Kind of surprising cops aren’t waiting at the exit of every bar’s parking lot.

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