Egyptian President To Trump — “You have… – IOTW Report

Egyptian President To Trump — “You have…

… a unique personality that is capable of doing the impossible.”

This compliment, and it was a compliment, followed this world leader telling THE world leader that Trump has the country’s appreciation and respect.

Now if only Americans can do the same, respect this president, the possible might be achieved – peace, harmony, law and order, economic growth and the de-infantilizing of the youth of our country.

16 Comments on Egyptian President To Trump — “You have…

  1. Absolutely BFH! I watched Trump’s speech and thought it was very measured and STELLAR. So, I had to go out for a while and turned on Sirius to listen to what Fox had to say about it and I hear McCain bitching about Comey’s firing. Why can’t he STFU?
    De-infantilizing is a great word!

  2. Too bad President Trump has to go abroad to get a little respect. I’m fed up with all the neverTrump whiners. I’m gonna start kicking them in the crotch.

  3. Somone told Al Green that if they try and impeach Trump that him and his pals were going to start getting lynched. Aturally everyone took it as a racist threat. They don’t get it.

  4. The speech was fan-f*cking-tastic! Almost all were focused on his words the entire time–words of strength, committment and caring. How much will come from it? Who can know? But, he certainly was impressive and courageous. I, for one, am so happy I voted for him!!!

  5. Remember the barky we’re so sorry tour?

    Phuck them.

    It’s about time we have somebody licking the presidents
    boots besides leftist communist cocksuckers.

  6. Trump seems to see through a glass clearly. On the stump he said that he would get the ME countries to pay for their own protection and to carry their share of the cost to rid the world of Islamic extremists. Al Sisi was led the vanguard, but Trump has been the catalyst to help them. I am in awe of the having the front row seat to this amazing history, and not just in the ME, but in our own country as well. I wish I was an AP World History teacher right now — I would have my classes riveted to the video and the story that is unfolding. Amazing. Just amazing.

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