Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Says Trump is a Step Up from Obama – IOTW Report

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Says Trump is a Step Up from Obama

Trump is shading Obama… damn.

PJ Media

We heard Donald Trump was evil, a racist, sexist homophobe. Little evidence was presented to support this beyond Trump’s desire to end illegal immigration and to block a massive influx of refugees from terror hotbeds from entering the United States.

It was all shameful, cynical politics. And some Americans are finally realizing they were lied to by the media and the Democratic Party.

Despite the boos for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos at Bethune-Cookman, leaders of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are noticing that Trump is a step up from Obama:

Following his inauguration, Trump’s most overt outreach to African Americans has been his efforts to woo students and leaders of black colleges that were founded in the years after the Civil War and today consist of 101 public and private schools nationwide.

“For [President] Obama, people expected him to come in and fix everything — especially for black people. … But he never campaigned strongly for HBCUs,” said Walter Kimbrough, president of Dillard University in New Orleans, using the common abbreviation for the schools.

Now, he says, the reverse has happened — Trump came in with no expectations placed on him, and some black educators have been pleasantly surprised.

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1 Comment on Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Says Trump is a Step Up from Obama

  1. I understand why Trump is doing this and it’s probably a small price to pay in trying to undo Obama’s years of infecting black people with hate. But, I’ve had dealings with many HBCU’s and there isn’t one that comes close to a mediocre non-HBCU. Morehouse in Atlanta is considered the “Ivy League” HBCU but most white high schoolers can ace its curriculum.

    These schools are poorly run. The administration is routinely caught engaging in fraud. The students have the highest percentage of defaulting on student loans and the lowest percentage of alumni donations.

    We’d all be better off if they were allowed to die out.

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