Poland: Germany Created the Migrant Crisis and Germany Should Pay the Consequences – IOTW Report

Poland: Germany Created the Migrant Crisis and Germany Should Pay the Consequences


Jarosław Kaczyński, chairman of Poland’s ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS), says it was Germany’s decision to open Europe’s borders, not Poland’s, and his countrymen should not have to pay for their neighbour’s mistakes.

Jarosław-Kaczyński in 2015 / JANEK SKARZYNSKI/AFP/Getty

“We have not opened Europe for refugees – Ms Merkel has,” the veteran conservative told public broadcaster TVP Info. “And it is Ms Merkel and Germany that have to bear the consequences, not Poland.”

In late 2015, the European Union forced through measures requiring member states to accept a share of 120,000 migrants in southern Europe – later increased to 160,000 – despite strong opposition from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia.

The Civic Platform Party (PO) government, at the time led by current President of the European Commission Donald Tusk, did not oppose the measures – a stance which led to the party’s landslide defeat in the parliamentary elections weeks later.


20 Comments on Poland: Germany Created the Migrant Crisis and Germany Should Pay the Consequences

  1. I say it’s about time somebody invaded Germany, payback is a bitch.
    Funny thing, the fools invited them, invited Adolph’s friends in.
    Birds of a feather and all that.

  2. Remember all the dumb Pollack jokes from years ago? Looks like the Pollacks are actually among the smartest people in Europe.

    (Disclaimer: I am a proud Pollack myself, and those in my ancestral homeland continue to make me proud.)

  3. Poland is chained to the anchor (Germany) of the sinking ship (EU).

    The sensible Europeans need to get themselves free of the socialist/hate-western-civilization Europeans if they wish to survive. Frangistan and Krautistan will drag them to the bottom.
    They are drowning in mendacity, izlamism, and socialism – and they will likely have to fight their way out – I fear that Europe will behave badly when the dissolution begins.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The EU, Just a taste of one world government elitists making decisions for the 99.9% of the population.
    Sovereignty? You don’t need no Sovereignty, we make the decisions for you.
    Continental Suicide !

  5. I blame Obama, Hillary and the EU for causing the refugee problem in the first place.
    By abandoning Iraq, creating an atmosphere for the creation of ISIS, then failing to respond to ISIS’s expansion, the Syrian/Iraqi region was destabilized, causing mass migrations – refugees.
    By killing Ghadafi, they opened Libya as a pathway to Europe.
    And the stupid EU politicians welcomed the very people that hate them to come to their country.
    Crazy stuff.

  6. Interesting times we live in…
    …when laying blame/responsibility where it rightly belongs
    is “news”…

    p.s. to Mr Anth ropy
    Those idiots may have caused the crisis OVER THERE,
    but MERKEL caused it IN EUROPE.
    *Big* difference.

  7. Jan Sobieski appeared at the crest of a hill with thousands of Poles and his cavalry only 3 hours before the likely fall of Vienna. He was able
    to defeat the Islamic Jihadists and saved all of Europe…only 50 years later, George Washington was born and , because of the Poles, Europe and probably America would be part of a massive and cruel Caliphate..One of the 5 most important battles in history.

  8. Heres a deal. We expel Germany from NATO, pulling NATO back when Russia launches an invasion through the Kaliningrad Oblast and takes Germany as compensation for Barbarossa. In return, Russia expels all nutbag krauts, degermanizes the land into Kaliningrad West while leaving the rest of NATO intact. No war with the USA or NATO.

    It’s way past time for this culture to simply go into history. It’s proven itself three times over as an existential threat to humanity.

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