Why Does Islam Attract So Many Murderers? – IOTW Report

Why Does Islam Attract So Many Murderers?

27 Comments on Why Does Islam Attract So Many Murderers?

  1. It’s baked into most of them…

    “Most clinical and genetic evidence suggests that puerperal psychosis is closely related to bipolar affective disorder. During a linkage study of bipolar disorder we ascertained a British family in which puerperal psychosis was associated with consanguinity in three sisters. All three subjects had lifetime RDC diagnoses of bipolar I or manic disorder. An inbred brother also had bipolar I disorder. The only female member of the sibship to escape puerperal psychosis was outbred. ”


  2. Moshe Dayan: Let us not be afraid to see the hatred that consumes the lives of hundreds of thousands of Arabs who sit around us and wait for the moment when their hands will be able to reach our blood.

  3. Leftists would like to kill you, but alas it’s still against the law. But the Koran isn’t so picky – it permits, and frequently encourages the killing of apostates and unbelievers.

  4. If you caught Tucker Carlson last night he was pretty much outright saying we should NOT import any more of our Muslim friends, or we will become like Europe.
    – I’m kinda surprised he has such a prominent show – he is NOT politically correct.

  5. Leftist Islamist Alliance

    Why does the Left like violence so much? Why are leftists so hideous? Why do leftists hate Christianity? Why do leftists worship the dissection of helpless people? Why are Leftists so intolerant of apostates of Leftism? Why are Leftist-run cities smelly, degenerate hellholes where it isn’t safe to walk the streets?

    Now replace “left” with “islamist.”

  6. Next, he’ll blame the easy access to guns in America as the root cause of Islam assholeness, especially ‘assault weapons’.

    ….never any mention of the Koran, Allah, or Mohamed as the root cause.

    Connecticut, much like California politicians need to be put in a box. Preferably 6 feet underground before they enable the bad guys to do it to us wholesale.

  7. A TEENIE TINY DIFFERENCE…*barely* worth mentioning…

    The totalitarian ideology of Nazism does NOT command its adherents to follow/obey Trump…


    The totalitarian ideology of islam DOES command its adherents to kill non-muzzies…


  8. Because in Islam, there is only one guaranteed way to get into Paradise; die while killing the enemies of Islam. Since Islam will not tolerate any limits on the power of Allah, you could live your entire life scrupulously following the Koran, the Hadith, sharia, etc. and still Allah the compassionate, the merciful could say, “not you.”

    Christianity is better. It teaches that all you need to do is accept that Jesus already paid for your sins. As a result, you’ll repent and strive to do avoid sin, which will become easier because of the help of the Holy Spirit.

  9. Hey. Hitler thought the Arabs were just a notch or two above Juden on the sub-human scale; he was only friends with them to get at his primary target. Once he wiped them out, he was going to go on to the rest of the Abrahamic peoples. I think that portion of his book is edited out of the local translations so popular in Muslim countries

  10. Here is the key philosophic difference between Muslims and Christians but it is never pointed out.

    Just as Jesus is the perfect man that Christians strive to emulate, Mohammed is the perfect man Muslims want to be. Jesus taught and practiced love and forgiveness. Mohammed was a barbaric murderer, liar and pederast.

    The suicide bomber is as close to Mohammed as a follower can be which is why the Muslim community will NEVER denounce him. It is a religion built on hate and destruction.

    I don’t see how it can ever co-exist peacefully in a democracy – and neither did Jefferson and Adams who had extensive dealings with Muslims (Barbary Pirates) in fighting our first war as the United States.

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