Overjoyed That Trump is Our President – IOTW Report

Overjoyed That Trump is Our President

Just scanning the headlines it seems that Trump has put America first at G7, juts like he said he would.

Trump Declines Endorsing Paris Climate Change Deal at G7 Summit

The left’s reaction:

Stephen Colbert Mocked President Trump’s Alpha Male Attitude at the G7

Trump’s Behavior in Europe Has Made the World Cringe. 

Decoding Donald Trump’s body language at the G7 Summit

Donald Trump ‘caught pretending to listen’ at G7 summit

As far as that “bullying shove” was concerned —


Though Twitter erupted with outrage in response to the incident, Markovic told reporters after the summit that he didn’t really mind the shove at all.

“It didn’t really register,” he said. “I just saw reactions about it on social networks. It is simply a harmless situation.”

Montenegro’s representative was supposed to stand in the back of the photo since the country is slated to become NATO’s 29th member next month.

Despite all the social media backlash, Trump was correct to make his way to the front of the photo in the first place.

Markovic used the attention he received after the incident to thank Trump for backing his country’s entry into the alliance, the AP reports.


The American left’s battle cry-






I’m very grateful for having a President Donald J. Trump. America is hanging on despite the left.

The left would be overjoyed with President Cocoa Boy-

They need to be eradicated.



17 Comments on Overjoyed That Trump is Our President

  1. If you plan on a trip to Europe skip the western countries. DEFINITELY go to the former communist countries of the east where the dollar goes a long way and they actually like Americans. The small country of Montenegro (“black mountains”) is one of these. It is gorgeous with every kind of terrain, people are friendly, and it is definitely NOT politically correct. (There are muslims there but as far as I know they aren’t radicalized.) Rent a car and drive around.

  2. You can see the PM of Montenegro smiling right after Trump goes past him, puts his hand on Trump’s back. Nobody is looking aghast. You see Trump mouthing something as he is walking past, looked like he was goofing with the PM for pushing past him.

    I’ve seen friends do that all the time at home, work, play, shopping, etc etc. One guy jumping in front of his buddy to get the aisle seat at the movies.

    All this over bullshit. Yet no one said shit when Obama gave Hillary the finger at a campaign rally in 08. The crowd knew what he was doing when he gave the illusion of scratching his nose. The press didn’t have non stop circle jerks about his 5th grade childish behavior. I know, (D)s are immune from such rhetoric.

  3. I’ve watched our society turn on Alpha males. It starts in our Public Education system. They started molding little minds that true MEN were a bad thing long ago. My three kids went thru that “Zero Tolerance” crap. That’s how they punish the young Alpha Male and mold him into a Beta male. That and Ritalin. Our School system is a Communist attack on America and they are winning. They plotted to take over the school system back in 1959. You think my theory is far fetched? Then why do all these professional educators fight a voucher system and school choice so hard? If you want to eradicate the Beta Male you will need to eradicate our Department of Education first. All the way down to your local school district.

  4. We’ve had Presidents who apparently inspired youngsters to act like them. It might explain the wave of child molesters (Clinton) and those who are gender confused (Obama).
    Doesn’t America deserve a wave of masculine young men who strive to do the “impossible”, outwork their competition, and in the end, lead meaningful, intentionally successful lives?
    Or are we supposed to become defeatists, shameless recipients of handouts, those who falsely claim disability, and predatory losers?

  5. I am proud of our President and First lady on their first official foreign trip. So wonderful to have style and class in the White House again.

  6. “They plotted to take over the school system back in 1959.”

    Long before that.

    Look up John Dewey – probably the most destructive of Satan’s sycophants.

    izlamo delenda est …

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