Anderson Cooper Is ‘Appalled’ and CNN is ‘Evaluating’ Kathy Griffin’s Role in Annual New Year’s Eve Coverage – IOTW Report

Anderson Cooper Is ‘Appalled’ and CNN is ‘Evaluating’ Kathy Griffin’s Role in Annual New Year’s Eve Coverage


CNN is evaluating Kathy Griffin’s role in its annual New Year’s Eve coverage after the comedian posed for a photo shoot holding a decapitated, bloody head resembling that of President Donald Trump.

“We found what she did disgusting and offensive,” CNN said in a statement Tuesday, according to Mediaite. “We are pleased to see she has apologized and asked that the photos be taken down. We are evaluating our New Year’s Eve coverage and have made no decisions at this point.”

more here

And then:

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper weighed in on Kathy Griffin’s now-famous photograph in which she posed with a fake, bloodied, decapitated head of President Donald Trump, saying the photo was “disgusting” and “inappropriate.”

34 Comments on Anderson Cooper Is ‘Appalled’ and CNN is ‘Evaluating’ Kathy Griffin’s Role in Annual New Year’s Eve Coverage

  1. Any publicity is good publicity to those people. Looks like the ugly twat-waffle accomplished her mission. She has gotten more attention in one night than she has had in the past 20 years.

  2. Before this so-called comedian “moved the line to cross it”, she might have placed herself in Barron Trump’s shoes ….
    Pathetically desperate for success defines most of Hollywood, not that I pray for a direct hit on that zip code by a 9.2 on the Richter scale ….

  3. CNN is “disgusting” and “inappropriate.”
    Lies, Fake News, Unnamed sources, generator of Anti-American progressive propaganda.
    I am surprised Griffin isn’t doing the news broadcast, she fits the narrative of CNN.

  4. What a crock of shit.
    The socialists show what they truly “feel” and everybody gets into a snit.

    The fact of the matter is that they’re just startled by a public declaration of their bloodthirsty, hateful, nihilism. They expect their acolytes to keep it under wraps – not for general consumption, so to speak.

    I’m pretty certain that all of them fantasize, with some regularity, about assassinating President Trump in the most abhorrent manner, but express it openly only amongst their most trusted confrères.

    The “line” that MudFlaps crossed wasn’t in expressing her desire to see President Trump dead, but in expressing it to the public who overwhelmingly supports him, instead of amongst the imbeciles of the Glitterati.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I’d like to see Hillary’s head or Obama’s head photoshopped in her hand to hear the leftist outrage. I’ll bet the left still thinks she was clever.

  6. The normal every day “reporting” that goes on at CNN is far, far, orders of magnitude more offensive than that stupid photograph. That photograph was normal and typical from that stupid Marxist tool bint and it’s really being blown out of proportion.

    What little Anderson does every single day he is on the air is far more violent, offensive, dangerous, and anti-American treasonous than anything that stupid redheaded has been nobody has ever done.

    Griffin is no more dangerous than an gnat. Cooper and the rest of his kind are the anacondas trying to strangle liberty, freedom, and prosperity from all Americans.

  7. WHY isn’t this c*nt LOCKED UP?!?
    Has Sessions lost his balls?
    You KNOW the Left would be hot on this.
    I don’t expect the media to do anything other that what it is doing…
    …but a Trump Administration?!?

    Like with muzzies, the Left sees “tolerance” as a fatal weakness to be exploited.

    Where’s the “hitting back twice as hard” sh!t?!?
    (can you tell I’m seething?)

  8. It could’ve been worse. She could’ve held up a picture of her hoo-hah, taken at the “wrong time of the month” (if you know what I mean).

    Oh, wait – she’s 56 years old.

    …Never mind.

  9. w/o makeup she really is a mutt.
    That was a vile, disgusting act on her part.
    The left are certifiably insane.
    President Trump better do just like the Clinton’s do and have the IRS audit her every year while he is in office.
    The SS better have a formal talk with her. Charges should follow.
    Tie her money up in court and legal fees.
    Freakin crunt

  10. planned. for probably a couple weeks. Not a Spur of the Moment thing. ‘apology’ also. Planned for just as long. Hopefully this was her last gasp while drowning in irrelevance.

    Goodbye you ignorant slut. We’ve known you too long.

  11. This is the same anderson cooper who said “He’d take a dump on his desk and you’d defend him.” This is the same guy virtue signalling his virtue?

    I thought griffin was funny when she first started her “life on the D list” stuff, but now she is consigned to the dumpster of entertainment bad apples (like so many before her). roseanne barr was funny before she grabbed her crotch and mocked the Star Spangled Banner. mel gibson was watchable until he lost his mind, as was that guy from seinfeld. All Democrats, too. Coincidence? I think not.

  12. Just read an article that was saying how the Fox and Friends news show this morning were getting hysterical about this Kathy Griffin story and won’t stop talking about it. My, my, my, so tell me lib’s, when will the Russian hysteria end?

  13. Breaking; CNN announces they are dropping Griffin.

    Now let’s make her completely unemployable and completely destroy her career.
    Make an example of her to discipline the others.
    The Left has shown us how for decades.


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