While there are summer camps for all kinds of sport and school activities, only Northern Illinois University is offering a camp on social justice designed just for educators. For a mere $559 fee, participants get to live in the dorms for three days and attend sessions where they will “discuss social justice issues, both general and specific to their school, with experts and colleagues, as well as time for individual reflection.”
Sounds like a real racket. I wonder, should iOTW run its own summer camp? Any volunteers to be counselors or instructors? Please submit the title of your course and a short description. We’ll need a catchy name for our summer camp as well.
Guaranteed to have them inspecting their navels and gazing at the world thru their vaginas in three days! There’s a sucker born every minute and these guys are trying to find each one!
Nondiscriminatory Pedagogy: Sex Education
Covers all topics related to sexual activity in the LGBTQH community. Comparison of lubes, condoms, vaginal dams, butt plugs, and gerbils vs hamsters. $15.00 live chicken fee.
Transgender Ian: Science, Magic, and the death of Feminism.
I want to sign up but I need a link to the student loan application.
Camp STFU. For wayward SJW’s.
7am -8am is when I have coffee and a croissant. STFU.
8:15 – 10:30am is arts and crafts. And the projects better be nice and pretty. I will be critiquing them. You don’t like it? STFU.
10:30-11am is free time. Go climb a rock, play on the swings, play baseball, organize a protest, I don’t care. I better not hear any screaming, though. You need to STFU.
11am- 12pm is lunch time. So, STFU and eat.
12pm-1pm is nap time. You don’t have to take a nap, but you must STFU.
1:30 pm is STFU and go home time.
Thanks for stopping by. See you next summer!
Don’t have your parents calling and complaining because you all can STFU.
The Necessary Importance of SJW Post-Birth Abortion to Eliminate Climate Change. Passing grade is contingent on practical application and execution of course content.
Socialist Summer Camp? Sounds fun. Wish I could be there.
DeKalb was best known for barbwire, corn fields and being Cindy Crawford’s home town. This school suffered a school shooting back in ’08 (5 dead and 17 injured). And now it’ll host a bunch of progressive assholes intent on destroying our nation’s youth. The school shooting will pale in comparison to the destruction currently underway.
Beaten Antifa’s Ass. Because it’s fun.
Cooking Camp in Your Kitchen with Zonga (The instructor does not do dishes)
Stuffed cabbage – Cabbage is available anytime of the year here, so making it on a hot day in August is fine.
Sausage and sauerkraut and potatoes and onions and paprika in the oven. Another good dish for summer.
Shortbread – The real thing, learned from an old granny, not mine, from Scotland.
Grandmother’s chicken soup (first you steal a chicken)
Prime Rib – Step 1. Turn the oven to 550 – if the smoke alarm goes off open the windows and turn on a fan (really this is the first step, you have to take the class to find out how long to leave it in there).
Mother’s “scalp” potatoes that always boil over in the oven. (That’s broken English in case you didn’t know)
Poppy seed roll – do not eat this within 48 hours of a urine drug test, you will test positive for opiates
Homemade noodles – so simple – the trick is rolling the dough paper thin, and cutting the noodles 2 mm wide.
Tulcha – fried dough filled with cheese and fresh dill
Fried smelt – first you bite off the head and suck out the guts
BYOB, a 5 pound bag of onions, and a can of sweet Hungarian paprika
The course should be called Snowflake Busters
Course description includes exercises in dealing with opinions other than those personally held, the abolishment of safe spaces to run to, the elimination of children’s toys to play with and basically building confidence back into those individuals who have found it stripped from them because of liberal indoctrination at Universities.
This course will also include exercises in developing individual thinking skills that are independent, while eschewing any semblance of GroupThink and other collectivist bullshit.
Camp Lickalottapuss for the “L” in LGBTQXYZ
A Peoples History of the Democrat Party: The course will look at the extensive history of racism and the various attempts to reduce citizens to mindless voting blocks to be harvested every other November.
How to scrub Black Lives Matters protesters off your rims and tires.
I think dumping clueless liberals out in the woods where wild animals might eat them is a fine idea…
I want to be an instructor please! Mistress Helga of the Riding Crop who teaches Pain and Suffering is Good for SJW’s. I’ll need a few whips, chains and spurs too.
“Ear Collecting”. How to maim SJW and Antifa mouth breathers in public and walk away unidentified. We’ll be going over the proper use of stun guns, chloroform, ether, and ketamine, box cutters vs: straight razors, and creating off line of sight distractions.
Then to make sure your memento doesn’t go all wonky, a short follow on of the differences of salt curing and formaldehyde preservation.
Camp Reality- This is where Liberals are taken and put in a Myriad of true Life Experiences. Armed with only their Intellect,Sun Block and Floppy Hats!
Day 1- Walking the Jihad Path of enlightenment, Fasting all day – and Flame Broiled Classmate ( disident) for Dinner !
Day 2 – How to Run Venezuala, ” Obama ” to Speak. Dinner Macaroni & Sneeze !
Day 3 – Our Shared Experience ! All day Group Think. Subjects will range from – The Evil White Man , to The Crimes against Humanity- By The White Male.
Tickets can be Purchased at a Discount, when using Carbon Credits !!!
Pre Paid Only $ 40,000.
You’d need at least 8 SJW pinheads at 50K a pop to pay barry’s speaking fee. Or 10 at 40 K, or 100 at 4 G’s a head.
That sjw camp should be free. I know my rights. Give it to me or I’ll hold my breath till I’m blue. Better yet I demand $15.00 an hour to attend. If I’m going to work for you, pay me. Or do you think I’m your slave? You RACIST.
I propose IOTW offer a three-day seminar on guns. There would be discussions about the 2A, instructions on how to load, fire, and clean your piece, followed by hands-on learning activities. And just to really piss off the SJWs, you could call it Gunsense.
Anybody watching Jungletown? Thats a primer on how to fleece thousands out of SJWs and have them think you are a god.
Sounds like a good place for a “covfefe” chalkening. These people would be sidetracked all Summer by The Investigation.
There will be Flavor Aid. Lots and lots of Flavor Aid.
My daughter’s not old enough, she gonna have to suffer
with aikido lessons.