There is no High Road on the left – IOTW Report

There is no High Road on the left



You know what?  I’ll believe that liberals really want tolerance and civility when they start showing it to conservatives. The FreeBeacon reports that Seth Meyers is really struggling to get laughs:

During a segment called “Closer Look,” Meyers cited a Newsweekstory about Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s motorcade being flipped off while he was on his trip to New Zealand.

“To be hated by New Zealand?” Meyers asked. “Trump hasn’t just lost Earth, he lost Middle Earth. Even Frodo’s like, ‘Here’s one finger to rule them all.’”

Meyers then gave the finger to the camera.

Watch it at link


16 Comments on There is no High Road on the left

  1. One of our local news stations (Sacramento channel 3) came down FIRMLY against the local ACT demonstrations yesterday calling Sharia Law a “Very disciplined, but fair, law that Islam follows. They went on calling ACT a group that was connected to the KKK , White Supremacist, and the Alt Right. They should check and see who the founder of ACT is, which I pointed out to them on their FB page. Speaking of their FB page, Channel 3 got murdered in their comment section.
    Here’s the part that’s relevant to this thread. Watch the videos from yesterday’s festivities.These Antifa people are foaming at the mouth. Righting checks their asses can’t cash. They’re fanatical. Who’s spurring this on?

  2. The 1st amendment is paramount to our freedom. What the founders missed was.if you insult me with your free speech I have the right to kick your skinny ass.

  3. A most uninteresting fellow. Where would one go to see his performance? I wouldn’t know. Seriously. He’s just another dead tree falling in my yard overnight and nobody noticed until it was cleanup time.

  4. This bunch has always literally always restricted others rights based on the self-assured belief that they have the ability to discern right/wrong for everybody BECAUSE they are totally (like) unbiased man.

    Its running rampant amongst us now as a product of left-wing progressive colleges, the NEA teachers union, and the general intelligentsia who claim superiority over mere joe the plumber and susie the barista.

    Welcome to beyond 1984 into 2017.

  5. Isn’t this the guy that cried like a little baby when Trump won?

    (sniff-sniff) “What am I going to tell my daughter?”

    Nope. You lost your heterosexual male union card with that blubbering display.

    How about telling your daughter that a rapist-enabler was kept out of power for the good of mankind?

  6. Seth Meyers is the little Jew guy who got big laughs when he told his audience “Trump is running as a joke.” Hilarity. Trump was in the audience. Hey Schmuck, Trump won.

  7. I just played it again for laughs. Watch George Clouwny,Nancy Pissoney, The drunk bob Beckel, Sheet Meyers, and other fools make asses of themselves.
    MAGA Donald, MAGA!

  8. Is that the guy from Wayne’s World? That movie funny in a stupid way. This is stupid in a funny way. Congratulations dude, your career has gone full circle.

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