Left-Wing Rhetoric Deliberately Incites Violence – IOTW Report

Left-Wing Rhetoric Deliberately Incites Violence

Not only does the left incite violence with their rhetoric, the left-wing media covers for it, excuses it, and in doing that, encourages it.

See video – an iOTWreport/PatriotRetort joint.

19 Comments on Left-Wing Rhetoric Deliberately Incites Violence

  1. The leftist on top talk tough and then turn a blind eye when their dim witted sycophants actually do what pussies like Barry and Hitlery can only talk about. Leftist are completely deranged.

  2. For the past 8 months the public has been inundated with vitriol like never before regarding everything from “Trump stole the election” to Kathy Griffin’s “edgy” images. The sheer hate coming from the media feeding their leftist tools and the resulting hate oozing from unstable individuals has brought about this attempted murder.
    These people are crazy to begin with. Add to that their favorite sources of info being insane as well and this was bound to happen.
    I’m afraid they have only begun to show their true colors.

  3. It seems like there’s an endless supply of these nut jobs like the shooter from today. The Left and the Media are condoning this attack. It’s now acceptable to shoot conservatives. The play in Central Park continues to go on, even tonight. The left has lost any moral compass they’ve ever had. They’ll be calling it JIHAD soon. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Libtards, BLM, ANTIFA, the Media. They’re all the same. It’s going to be a target rich environment.

  4. ‘Rat GenderNeutralrhoid Rage, can’t say anything sounding like ‘hem’morhoid, and their festering bowel obstruction, explain the madness up to a point. They follow in the socialist model.

  5. “Hope most folks realize we have a toxic political culture and that attempting to exploit today for political gain will only poison us more”– Tuck Choad

    Never gave a shit about exploitation for political gain when Barky was doing it on a daily basis for eight years, Chuck. GFY.

  6. Great video!

    Sickening, isn’t it, that the same people advocate love, friendship, kindness and tolerance for people who mow down children with delivery trucks, blow up young people at concerts, gang rape girls and women and make widows and orphans of people by the scores at a time.

    Birds of a feather flock together.

  7. Remember when Gabby Giffords was shot, the left tried to blame it on conservatives and especially blame it on Sara Palin? Remember how the right said that it was an absurd argument placing blame? Even though the shooter turned out to be a leftist version of Uncle Fester, I thought it was absurd saying that conservatives were to blame, (like the media did).

    I look at this and see it the same exact way. Blaming the left for inciting this is just as absurd in my opinion as blaming the right for, say, the 20 plus murders that Ted Bundy committed. He was a Republican.

    Maybe we can just chalk it up as an asshole coming unglued. The blame lies with the asshole.

  8. @Bman — There you go again, talking like a conservative. 🙂

    What you say is correct, except that a stronger argument is that the Left/Democrats have created and encouraged an atmosphere of violence that has been, too long, tolerated in this country. And, generally, there is too much bad behavior from the Left that is given a pass — from foul language in prime time to depictions of mayhem and murder against conservatives, to actual mayhem and (attempted) murder against conservatives. That community college teacher in California, for example, injured seven people with his bike lock. He could have killed someone, whether he meant to or not. The police weren’t even looking for him until 4chan ID’d him. Same for the Trumpsters in San Joese last summer. The SJ mayor and police chief didn’t care that their pet leftists were acting violently against conservatives. We can cite numerous examples of Leftist violence against conservatives, but cannot say the same for the people on the right.

    The Democrats and the Left continue to assert they are “The Good Guys”, but they never come out and take responsibility for their violence or violent rhetoric. My own eyes tell me they are not the good guys, but just the opposite. And to top it off, they blame their victims for bringing the violence out in them. That, as D’Souza says, is the intellectual coup of all time.

  9. The Left craves violence. A “peaceful” or voluntary Revolution would never satisfy them.

    Their collective psychiatric disorders require Orwell’s ” boot crushing a human face forever”.
    Their hatred demands firing squads, gulags. death camps. Pol Pot murdered literally 35% of his population. 35%. That would be 110,000,000 Americans dead.

    Today was only a taste of what is coming.

  10. If anything needs to come out of today it should be a statement from President Donald J. Trump:

    “As the duly elected president of the United States Of America, I am hereby firing special counsel Robert Mueller.
    This witch hunt bullshit ends NOW.
    I am president until 2020 no matter what.
    We cannot come together unless we end this crap NOW.
    Fuck Russia.
    America first and forever!

    For those of you that want to awake the sleeping giant, you want that civil war, trust me, you will regret it.
    Bury your Hillary apparition and GET OVER IT MOTHERFUCKERS!”

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