Voodoo Child [Live] Jimi Hendrix – IOTW Report

Voodoo Child [Live] Jimi Hendrix

26 Comments on Voodoo Child [Live] Jimi Hendrix

  1. If Jimi Hendrix had converted to Islam and called himself Dhimmi Hendrix

    Well, I’m standing next to the mountain
    Prophet learned the words to Quran
    Well, I’m standing next to the mountain
    Prophet learned the words of Quran
    Well, I took up the sword and spread those words
    From SPAIN .. to the Sindh in Pakistan
    Cause I’m the Rasool’s chile
    Allah knows, I’m the Rasool’s chile, Kaffir

    Dont mean to look so scary .. all the damn time
    Must look crazed and deranged
    Dont mean to spread the terror .. all the damn time
    Must seem crazed and deranged
    But if Kaffirs mock the Prophet in this life
    Then Allah will judge us in the next one
    And, uh, seal our fate .. SEAL OUR FATE
    So says the Rasool’s chile
    Listen to me, I’m the Rasool’s chile

  2. I made it a goal to acquire as much Jimi as I could a few years back. I have all studio recordings plus every live show from Flamingo Club Feb. 4th, 1967 to Copenhagen Sept. 3rd, 1970. Damn right I’m proud of the collection, it’s freaking awesome.

  3. I’ve often wondered what sort of music he might have put out over the years if he hadn’t snuffed his life out so recklessly. Would he move to blues? Stayed with rock? Moved on to hip hop?

    I guess we’ll never know, sadly.

  4. I’ve convinced myself that JH didn’t do drugs, neither did Janis Joplin, nor did John Bonham drink alcohol. They were too great to do mundane crap and die.

    Love the three of them to this day.

  5. Bad Brad. We will never know. Punk?
    There were many options back then Think Bad Brains for instance. Music was in flux after his death. There was the reo journey Kansas cult, the iggy pop ny dolls punk route. Or hard rock which was likely.

    It’s just stuff I ponder.

  6. Jimi Hendrix – back to my obsession. I had all of his albums and played “Purple Haze” and “Voodo Chile” constantly in the early to mid 70s in high school.

  7. BB King is the King. I’ve had such good times seeing him. Billy Hendrix (I say that because when we were in high school a buddy went into a crazy air guitar solo and announced he was Billy Hendrix….. we were drunk) was awesome too. How about an old Irishman, Rory Gallager, he was a hell of a guitar player. There is all kinds of great music.

  8. Wow, thanks Willysgoatgruff. I never heard Howlin Wolf before. Awesome.
    Never heard that one by Albert King either. Always liked Tina Turner but I never heard Can’t Stand the Rain before. Thanks again.

    Been to a couple of Blues Fests and local bars to see Lonnie Brooks. His kid Ronny Baker Brooks was pretty good, but daddy was better.

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