The peaceful majority are irrelevent – IOTW Report

The peaceful majority are irrelevent Islam has exported its primitive, age-old and endless Sunni vs Shiite war of religious violence around the world, expanding it with jihad, the violent conquest of non-believers. The uninformed rubbish many Western politicians and commentators spout – that the cause of terrorism is anti-Muslim Western actions – is happily harnessed by Muslims who overtly or covertly wish to see the dawn of the Caliphate. To the radicals, the peaceful majority of Muslims are irrelevant.

Yes, of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims, the majority are peaceful, as we all recognise and repeat ad nauseam. But that has little relevance to or impact on the day to day reality of Muslim terrorism.

As American journalist, author and anti-Islam activist Brigitte Gabriel so powerfully put it (at a forum on June 18, 2014, see YouTube), the peaceful majority are irrelevant in this context. When a determined few set out to execute a deadly agenda, the majority have not stood in their way.  more

14 Comments on The peaceful majority are irrelevent

  1. If you want to learn something read the comments below the article.
    Especially Sarah’s.
    A good summary of the situation, of the “religion of peace.”

  2. By the time the same world’s war on terror becomes a war on Islam, it will be too late.

    In the meantime, it is the wench sale at Disneyland that really offends and threatens us.

    God help us.

  3. Anyone with even a mediocre familiarity of the news in the past decade or so should be able to see that iSlam is a warrior religion founded on hatred, conquest, subjugation and domination. Where there is iSlam, there is violence and death. iSlamic savages have carried out more than 31,100 deadly terror attacks since 9/11 (and every Ramadan is worse than the previous one!)
    All other religions: 0
    There ain’t a nickel’s worth of difference between the muslim brotherhood and the Nazi Party of old Germany. Their so-called brand of “religion” is simply Fascism hiding under the umbrella of a “religion” which is Hell-bent on world domination by a master “religion”. This is a fascist, totalitarian political state without borders which is antithetical to Western Civilization. iSlam and its Koran explicitly teach as the core plank of their Islamic political system that ALL non-Muslims are guilty of the capital offense of apostasy. It teaches that all people are born Muslim and that any non-Muslims, including children and infants, who have rejected allah and “his so-called prophet”, can and should be murdered with impunity. It is a religion of hatred and dominance over all else. Its absolute brutal and savage intolerance preaches death or subjugation of all those that do not follow the rules, with Females being the most repressed, yet the West (Liberals and Feminists in particular) say nothing about this.
    There is an old saying that says: “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem”. The so-called “Moderate muslim” is just as much a part of the problem as well since they do NOTHING what-so-ever to stem the violence. Show me the last time anyone saw a large demonstration of muzlims against iSlamic Terror. In reality they simply don’t have to do anything overt except expand their population and nod their heads in silent approval at the murder and mayhem, but when push comes to shove, I think it is pretty clear what side of the street they’re going to line up on which is why 99% of the muslims give the rest of them a bad name…and money!
    Don’t believe it? Then go over there and just try to live as a Christian. Your life won’t be worth a plug nickle, numbered in days, if not hours!
    For anyone who thinks this is an extreme opinion, then just think back, to 1980 let’s say, and imagine how crazy it would sound for someone to say that muzlims would destroy both Twin Towers in New York City in less than a few hours!
    “Awww yer nuts!”
    Then fast forward twenty years from now and think what could happen.
    Put it into perspective! iSlam has been like this for over 1400 years. Do you really think you’re going to change it? A few decades in time, a lifetime even, is zip, zero, nada to these Cave-Men! Don’t expect to be able to negotiate with it. Don’t expect it to bend. Don’t expect it to change. This is it. This is real. This is what they do. This is not television fiction. It isn’t going to get any better, and they aren’t about to put any COEXIST stickers on their grenade launchers because you coddle them with Political Correctness! The only thing they understand is a bigger hammer, power and pain.

  4. It’s infuriating that there seems to be an ever diminishing population of americans willing to confront these’s animals. Conditions are not getting any better for doing so. The same traitors that carp about anything traditionally american, embrace Islam within our borders. I’m not clear on how this will evolve but it sure don’t look good. The left cannot and will not see reason so the only answer is armed confrontation. It’s my view that most understand that, but are waiting for the right conditions. Do we have to wait for the next crippling attack where thousands die? Our biggest enemy is not these brutal thugs, but our fellow “americans”

  5. @Rat Fink, brilliantly said. You Da Man.

    “Peaceful” is still a misnomer. All Muslims are potentially homicidal. Some are Activated, the rest are Reserves who can be mobilized at any time. Women, Cubs, old fat guys who own shops. The Israelis know it’s not just young males. Mothers are happy to send their kids out to die, and happy to die themselves for the chance to stab some unsuspecting Jew on the back before she’s shot herself.
    Homicidal death cult. Near complete mind control.

    This is not a war against some tiny fringe. That’s the tequiyah tactic to divide and delay us while they acquire the nukes to really do us in.
    This is a worldwide Zombie Apocalypse. World War Z.
    It may require Mystery Nukes going off in NYC, Washington, and elsewhere before we effectively respond. If we even still can.

  6. Similar to Pitbulls, the ones who go through life without committing violence are the ones who are defective to their design and intent.

    Every time I look at one of their headrags (daily now thanks to W and O), what I see is a swastika arm band. They are the proto Nazis, who’s book attacks Jews far more than Mien Kampf did.

  7. SLAVERY WAS BAD, but ALL white people are to blame b/c they benefited from its use (I guess black people didn’t benefit either).

    Therefore, ALL of Islam is to blame for Jihad / Terrorism, b/c they benefit from it. The radical clear out NO-GO-ZONES, riot for open borders, free welfare, and the non-violent Muslims benefit from their efforts.

    Don’t give me that crap about not ALL. Nothing is “ALL.” The leftists will prove that NOT ALL muslims are bad, right down to the last Christian if necessary.

  8. Rat Fink — Thank you 100’s of times over for stating clearly what everyone knows and believes, but have become either too afraid or just too jaded to say again.

    It is a civilizational war and has been from the beginning. Western Civilization hangs in the balance. If Christianity and Judaism will not defend themselves, then who will? What will the Pope do, when the Muslims have stormed its outer walls, and the Vatican becomes a mosque ? All that beautiful artwork, statuary, stained glass, etc. will be destroyed, just like the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan and the Christian artifacts in Palmyra. All the beautiful Christian music will not be heard, just the whiny noise from the minarets (5x per day)!

    There are dozens of churches across Europe that are now mosques. It is only a matter of time and demographics for Europe to be overrun.

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