Tommy Robinson and Piers Morgan Debate Islam – Morgan Much Dumber Than I Ever Suspected – IOTW Report

Tommy Robinson and Piers Morgan Debate Islam – Morgan Much Dumber Than I Ever Suspected

There’s a also a chattering bint who keeps trying to offer her brand of Women’s Talk Show Insight into the fray. Ignore her.

Robinson does well here.

14 Comments on Tommy Robinson and Piers Morgan Debate Islam – Morgan Much Dumber Than I Ever Suspected

  1. Invite a man on then constantly interrupt, talk over, and cut him off from responding after every drawn out question. That’s informative. What excuses did you make when the young soldier Rigby was beheaded on a British street? Piers, you are one sorry hunk of shit.

  2. I don’t believe people like Pierce M’Organ are as dumb as they often appear.

    Controversy drives ratings. Ratings = continued careers.

    When someone like Robinson comes on with an indisputably simple premise — Mohammedanism kills every society it infect — the Left HAS to play dumb in order to gin up controversy and suck in viewers. They’re dishonest when they speak the truth (because it’s always skewed or twisted) and they lie the rest of the time.

  3. Piers just can’t believe that a lower-class football hooligan clawed his way up from the mean streets of Luton to sit in the same studio with him. Frankly, I can’t either. There was a time when I felt Tommy had sold out, but I no longer believe that.

  4. Didn’t stay with the whole thing because pierced organ kept cutting the guy short.
    That wasn’t an interview it was an ambush.
    That is when the guest needs to stand up explaining that the host is not allowing any response and walk out.

    Or dive over the table and beat the living shit out of the guy.

    That was bullshit.

  5. Much respect for Tommy Robinson, he’s been through Hell for ten years.

    He gets more death threats per day than most people in their entire lives.

    Tommy has been incarcerated with Mohammedans who tried to kill him, gets gang-attacked on the street, his family threatened with death. The British Orwellian Authorities target him constantly with threats and harassment attempting to stifle his message of Islam’s threat even while Musloids slaughter English citizens in the street.

    He never quit. Now he’s getting some recognition. Good for you Tommy.

    Piss Organ is of course a WANKER.

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