CNN Jumps Into Bed With Al Jazeera – IOTW Report

CNN Jumps Into Bed With Al Jazeera


So the real story is that CNN, which has thrown in with Al Jazeera, is the new tag team that will be going after the POTUS full force.

[…] Al Jazeera press release:

Call To Demand Press Freedom

Dear colleague,

We are living through difficult times in our profession. From the unprecedented call by some Arab governments to close Al Jazeera, to President Trump’s bizarre attack on CNN, the attacks on journalism and media are becoming much more vociferous and threatening.  Free media are under ambush all across the world, and as a result, lives of journalists and media professionals are more and more at risk.  It’s a scenario that at Al Jazeera, we have faced through the years with our reporters being imprisoned, tortured and killed for simply being professional journalists.

more here

SNIP:  Al Jazeera takes up sides with CNN, probably hoping to damage them further since they are pretty much PR for terrorists. When CNN hits the skids, will Al Jazeera snap them up on the cheap?

18 Comments on CNN Jumps Into Bed With Al Jazeera

  1. Are Democrats Going Full Serpent on Us Now ? Things are coming to a Head here! Dem’s Secretly Know They’ve Lost Global Warming, They Are Losing Everything and Becoming Transparent… are they Detonating a Bomb on America so Nobody Sees they’ve Soiled themselves ? Are They Trying to Start Over ???

  2. Journalism and professionalism in the so-called main stream media has been dead for decades. The moneyed elite bought the major newspapers and major television media lock, stock and barrel.
    Progressive/socialist agenda is fed to the masses by written and rehearsed propaganda through academia, public education, AFT, NEA, DNC, Media, Unions, NPR, PBS, PACs, associations and the special interest groups.
    Truth can still be found through multiple internet news sources using discernment, discrimination and determination.

  3. @left coast dan
    Yes, they did. I have no idea if Qatar agreed to it or not, but based on the whining coming from al jazeera, I’d say that they’re going to.

  4. Trump had the fullest plate of any President maybe in the entire history of the Republic, and …. he’s kicking more ass than anyone could’ve hope for!

    Now if only a few Republicans, who aren’t Yeb-Bush-grade stoopid, would start to close ranks and work WITH him, we could reverse the Obola-era and really, truly make America greater than it’s been since we won WWII. Wouldn’t that be something!

  5. As I typed this, Colbert came on, after the local news, and I found myself immediately hoping he has an undiagnosed brain aneurysm. After all these months of his constant, all-Trump bashing/all-the-time, I would sincerely enjoy watching Colbert twitching in a fetal position while brain-dead. He deserves it for being such a total douchewad attack dog for his owners, the media creeps that OWN him.

  6. Before I saw this, I was thinking that a rumor should be
    spread around that either al jazeera or ha’aretz would be buying
    out SeeeNN because of Trump. I laughed when I saw this. So, will
    it be the joooooosss or the goat humpers?
    I would say the goat humpers.

  7. So CNN should be free and out of the hothouse of inflated ratings via captive audiences in places like airports? I say bring it.

    Lifted en toto from an un-shareable post, because everyone should know;
    “Ok, just for fun, I found out who to contact to complain about CNN being on every airport monitor in the world, boosting their bogus ratings.
    You are welcome.
    Best contact: (1) Airports Council Intl-North America & (2) American Assoc of Airport Executives. These are the trade assoc rep a/ps”

    From someone else: “Airports Council International – North America
    1615 L Street NW, Suite 300 / Washington, DC 20036
    Phone 202-293-8500 / Fax 202-331-1362
    American Assoc of Airport Executives 703.824.0504”
    Now.. about McDonald’s & others.

  8. It’d be a hoot if CNN, who has ripped American corporations for moving offshore, shuts down its US operations and is reduced to living in its CNNI lifeboat.

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