Polish President Asks That We All Fight Fake News – IOTW Report

Polish President Asks That We All Fight Fake News

The following is all fake news and the outlets should be ashamed of themselves for carrying on like Pravda.

The Polish president is embarrassed for our press which tried to say his wife snubbed president Trump.

7 Comments on Polish President Asks That We All Fight Fake News

  1. CNN also breathlessly reported yesterday that the G20 summit was set to be in Hamburg as a deliberate slight to Donald Trump by Angela Merkel because Hamburg is well known as a hot bed of anarchist, leftist rioting that would embarrass President DJT. Turns out that the date for the G20 summit was set last summer before Trump had even won the nomination, much less elected president. Just another log on the raging dumpster fire of fake news that is CNN these days.

  2. Merkel probably did select Leftist hotbed Hamburg because of the protests she knew would come.
    – She has incompetent Leftist written all over herself.
    But to tie it to President Trump is a dishonesty that only a biased dishonest news source (most US media) would even think to publish before doing even minimal investigation of the timing of the selection relative to our election.

  3. Dark Shadows fake Trump scoops discredit the press


    “So head’s up, everybody, part of the defense against this Trump-Russia story, now, we can report, includes somebody apparently forging at least one classified NSA report and shopping it to news organizations as if it’s real. We don’t know who’s doing it, but we’re working on it.”

    Double Scoops

  4. @Oscar Breyers- I do not watch RATchel, so am unfamiliar wit her. Does she always use so many words to say NOTHING? I only read her report and feel like she spit 💩, so o need a shower. Does anyone outside an asylum watch her?

  5. The men shake hands, the women shake hands, then the men shake hands with the women. It’s almost as if there was a protocol, or perhaps an unwritten social code, that establishes how these things should be done. Wow! Shock and awe! Watch the left get all spun up because there are still people in the world who act and live according to a set of rules and conventions.

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