Senator Maria CantSpell (D-Washington) – IOTW Report

Senator Maria CantSpell (D-Washington)

I was just involved with a Twitter jerk who insisted the left in the senate have higher IQs than the right.

It’s as if I paid Cantwell to make an idiot out of this dope.

22 Comments on Senator Maria CantSpell (D-Washington)

  1. And she rattles on, blissfully ignorant. I weirder how many people in her staff tried to correct her, but, alas, 1) they thought it was good to go 2) wouldn’t dare try to correct a left feminazi 3) kept quiet and enjoyed the fool displaying her ignorance.

  2. @Charlie Walksonwater

    I don’t remember where I first read that. Filed it away for future use. Something tells me it might have been NRO’s Jonah Goldberg. Back before he went nuts on us.

  3. The original joke is, Why did the blonde get fired from the M&M factory? She kept throwing away all the W’s. And as another Wash. state resident Maria Cantwell is her own joke as well as Patty Murray who once wanted to put a 10,000% tax on individual bullets. Bring back Scoop Jackson from the dead, anyone is better than these 2 idiots.

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