Trump Confronts Senators in Fiery Meeting – IOTW Report

Trump Confronts Senators in Fiery Meeting

ht/ c. steven tucker

17 Comments on Trump Confronts Senators in Fiery Meeting

  1. Senators were not elected to do their own will or to amass political power.They are supposed to represent those who elected them. If they can’t get rid of the unconstitutional PoS called obamacare, the end of their political reign of terror will come in 2018, or the cycles that follow.

  2. He said….”45 billion dollar opiod epidemic”…..come now, throw some cinnamon up my buns….the “opiod epodemic” is solved easily…..give them 4 billion dollars of free heroin and the problem gets buried….

  3. This is Trump the business leader in his element. He sees the problem and outlines the solution. Now, he expects Congress to deliver. Sorry, dems, I didn’t see a wild man, an out of control dictator, or anyone’s puppet.

  4. Has everyone written/called their Republican Congress critter DEMANDING they pass President Trump’s agenda THAT WE VOTED FOR and, while they’re at it, vocally support Trump at least 10 times a day?

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