Michael Moore tells fractured nation to choose between him, or Trump – IOTW Report

Michael Moore tells fractured nation to choose between him, or Trump

Alternate title: Michael Moore plays chicken… Then eats it.

Michelle Malkin:

**Written by Doug Powers

With the Russia collusion case falling apart before it could even be constructed, the Democrats continue to look for anything they can find to add to the articles of impeachment against Donald Trump. For now they’re down to “We have to or Michael Moore will leave the country.”

Far-left political activist and film-maker Michael Moore is about to debut on Broadway, in a show called “The Terms of My Surrender.”

On Wednesday night, Moore discussed the show with Stephen Colbert, who asked him – “What are the terms of Michael Moore’s surrender?”  MORE

20 Comments on Michael Moore tells fractured nation to choose between him, or Trump

  1. Just for fun we should have a Trump/Trump Admin Scandal contest. The entries would be one or two sentences of what the pipeline of bogus claims made by the Left against Trump will be. lol!

    For example: Senior Trump staffer diverted hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign donations to an offshore account.


    Kelly Ann Conway abandons husband and children to 20 hour days at WH. Why is she spending so much time “in conference” with Steve Bannon?

  2. When he has a heart attack, there will not be a gurney strong enough to hold his body weight. A block and tackle will be required, or 10 very strong firemen to move this sack of crap.

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