Paul Ryan thinks we’re stupid – IOTW Report

Paul Ryan thinks we’re stupid

Patriot Retort: Yesterday evening on Twitter, several people tweeted out a video of Paul Ryan riding in a helicopter and up on horseback along our Southern Border.

Ryan’s video is titled “The Wall: Let’s Get It Done.”

Yeah. Set up that football, Lucy. We know you’re going to let us Americans kick it this time.  more


16 Comments on Paul Ryan thinks we’re stupid

  1. Of course we remember mcshitstain’s “build the darn wall” commercial.

    I’m ashamed to have to admit I held my nose and voted for his sorry ass in 2008. Actually I was voting for Sarah but there you are.

  2. We all saw how fast Ryan can flip around when Paul Nehlen challenged him. The man can pirouette like a ballet dancer. Let’s hope next election is his “Swan Lake”.

  3. I still say he might be homo. That beefcake photo shoot from a couple years ago was completely tasteless for a man in his position. Not even uber narcissist Obama pulled off anything like that.

  4. Ryan was installed as Speaker of the House because they saw how easily Biden dismantled him in a debate. They loved how he would earnestly push any agenda they wanted, and how appreciative he was for his job. They admired how he could take massive hits to his credibility and keep on moving. They were in awe of the way people chalked up his bumbling to well-intentioned naïveté.

    They were worried at first about all of those bald-face lies he told Sean Hannity, promising repeal, replace and tax reform in a matter of days. When they saw how easily he escaped that noose, even with Hannity reminding people how full of shit Ryan was, they decided to let him work his magic on PDT’s signature promise. I hope he gets the primary of his life and is too distracted to run his scam effectively. Ring his bell, PDT.

  5. RYAN: So the reason we’re doing regulatory reform right now is we have a certain window of time where we can go back into the Obama administration and cancel their regulations. It’s a law called the Congressional Review Act, and it has a shelf life for just a couple of months. And so we’ve been consuming February and March as regulatory reform going back into the Obama administration and canceling their regulations.

    And so first, it’s regulatory reform because we have this window of time to cancel bad Obama regulations. Then we’re doing ObamaCare. After we’re done with ObamaCare, then we’re doing our budget. And our budget is what — the second budget, which will be tax reform. So we’re doing two budgets in one year, which has never been done before. This is faster than it’s ever been done before.”

    Lying shitweasel.

  6. If the Secret Service would just stand down, I imagine I’d have to rush to get in a long line of those willing to give him the beating he’s just been begging for.
    I never thought this country could generate so many brazen traitors.

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