Grand Malia Seizure – IOTW Report

Grand Malia Seizure

55 Comments on Grand Malia Seizure

  1. Tribal instincts kicking in? Primative cerimonial dances begin slowly and build to a blood curdling frenzy. The other charactor trait inherated from her father has nothing to do with deep ancesteral roots. She is just showing she’s as much of an asshole as he is.

  2. People… Mr. Brown has a lovely dollar.

    He’s ponied up 25 shekels because of a HEADLINE I wrote.
    Surely the rest can manage 5 dollars a month for the rest of our content!!

  3. I’ve been impressed by BFH for 15 to 20 years now. The graphics the headlines the rants.
    The guy is a freaking genius.
    But I’m on a fixed income and my wife would kick my ass into next week, if I gave someone money we don’t know.
    Or we do know.

  4. Under normal circumstances she would be an embarrassment to her …….uuhhhhhh…….father?, like the Bush twins were to GW. Except that 1, they’re DildoCrats, and 2, they have no shame.

  5. Hey Fur, I tried to do the 5$ month thing but I do NOT do paypal and it would not let me go further after I gave all my CC info without creating a paypal account. If you know how to do a go around let me know. You have my email.

  6. Good Lord! Well, at least Malaia isn’t lecturing us like Chelsea Clinton does on Twitter.

    To think that her mother wants to teach us how to raise our kids…Maybe she’ll include this video in the “tribute” she did to her ancestors (I didn’t see it, but it was trending on twitter yesterday.)

  7. Yup…she Hahvahd’s fines, aight?

    (In proper English now…I saw this much earlier–from Drudge–and thought, “She’ll not even do one full year at Harvard–unless she gets some ‘cover’ like rent-a-Dad did!”)

  8. She’ll fit right in. This year will have a majority of minority students. Whites are being iced out for “fairness”. The curriculum will be on the junior high level at best.

  9. The same graceful and elegant bearing, the same composure and dignity of manner as her iconic mother.

    It simply proves, once again, you cannot fake good breeding. Is anyone here surprised?

  10. What a nasty, drunken skank. Her parents should be embarrassed, but since Malaria is just a rent-a-kid the Kenyan homo and his tranny “wife” hired, they don’t care.


    1. Young people acting like young people. Not impressed with this.
    2. TMZ could disband tomorrow and we’d all be better off.
    3. Obama’s kids have to be the whitest black kids I have ever seen in my life outside of Steve Urkel.

  12. Malaria couldn’t dance her way out of a wet paper bag standing up. She resorts to a wacky, drug inspired rave move, attempting to make her awkward nerdiness look hip. Yeah, cultural appropriation means nothing to the Obamas.

  13. can take the monkey out of the jungle…, but you can’t always take the jungle out …, such a future role model for her generation of thieves, gangstas, and crack ho’s..

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