Nice Optical Illusion – IOTW Report

Nice Optical Illusion

The maker should be proud, it’s one of the better ones.

What do you see below.

Guess again.

Look at the guides I’ve added in photoshop. They are completely horizontal.

Don’t think so?

Get out your tee square.


41 Comments on Nice Optical Illusion

  1. The small black and white checkerboards at the corner of the larger blocks are all alternating along the horizontal axis, but not the vertical axis. This creates a visual “shearing” effect, fooling the eye.

    I would guess that alternating those checkerboards along the vertical axis instead would shear the vertical bars.

  2. Where have I been? Gee, Columbia, The Philippines, pretty much everywhere where I used to have a market that has since gone all hippy peace loving whackjob on me.

    But you can always find me on twitter. It’s just like having your own website but with no responsibility, regrets, or effort on your part.

  3. Regarding the original illusion (not the one I posted), if you squint to the point that the details blur out, you will find that the lines straighten so that you can see that they are parallel.

    At least that’s the way it works for me, anyway.


  4. @ Vietvet,
    I do not see circles. I could not “see” the black Bat on neon yellow, Batman symbol untill someone pointed it out to me.

    I also didn’t make out a black on yellow school zone sign, until the LEO told me there was a sign and I went back and looked for it. Took me a while to read the message, and realized my brain focusses on the yellow.

    I’m slightly concerned. Or my brain filters things differently. Please point me to the circles.

  5. My t-square is upstairs. I use it for certain sewing patterns. Don’t any of you use a good table saw w/built in t-square?
    The slide rule. I fed that to a dinosaur freshman year in college.

  6. Eugenia, I use my super duper T-square for almost everything for which I don’t pull threads. Remember that trick! Making drapes, so I’m back to pulling lots and lots of threads.

    I have a rather severe astigmatisms so I even had to use my T-square to do my horizon line and verticals when I was doing architectural drawings and even free form paintings. I could do great natural looking trees without the square though, hee, hee, hee.

  7. As if I was just making sure, I scrolled the graphic past the top edge of my iPhone screen, several times. Everything is perfectly square and parallel but appears to be otherwise.

  8. LOL Plain Jan I sure pulled some threads tonight. Knitting a lace shawl with some tiny close to cobweb yarn and I forgot to put in a life line. Of course I made a &$!@# mistake, couldn’t tink so pulled it all out. Twice. Tomorrow I start over placing a life line every 10 rows.

    That T-square was the DH’s he used for drawing up train layouts or something. Now I have it hidden in my woman cave sewing room.

  9. @Plain Jane (at 12:19 am): Awright! I knew you could do it.

    For anyone else having problems seeing the circles:

    Focus on the vertical columns between the rectangles. Keep staring at one and the circles will magically appear.

    (Don’t feel bad – I had to have the same hint.)

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