Professor – Combatting Illiteracy is Racist – IOTW Report

Professor – Combatting Illiteracy is Racist

And the left has the temerity to claim the movie Idiocracy is about the rise of the right.


A professor of Medieval Literature at the City University of New York (CUNY) suggested that that professors shouldn’t correct students that use slang, non-words, or guttural grunts to express themselves. He argued that correcting any of these, is an act of “linguistic racism.”

The Professor, A. W. Strouse, argued that students, “do not need educators to perpetuate that injustice by promoting dubious [grammatical and speech] standards.” And, that rather all teaching professionals, “need to equip themselves with a knowledge of historical linguistics so that they can battle against linguistic racism.”

So why does he speak all racisty and $hit?

“It is racist to discriminate against someone on the basis that they speak African American Vernacular English [Ebonics],” he explained. Strouse hopes that his active,” celebration of linguistic diversity might be one small way to dismantle that linguistic racism.”

And, also, it’s racist to tell someone that talking to you while holding their dick is wrong.

In fact, it is racist to enforce any understanding, expectation, rule or law, whether societal, linguistic or aesthetic, when it comes to blacks. It’s best to just let them be, no matter what becomes of them, applaud it, embrace it, celebrate it.

Blackness is superior to whiteness. When I say it’s superior to whiteness I’m suddenly superior to other whites that disagree with me, especially in the eyes of the feral apeman that might otherwise rape and murder me. (Yes, this is truly what I think is going on in the minds of these “professors.”)

I don’t no, maybe I’m the moron because I expect more from people.

During a recent interview Strouse also encouraged working people to break the linguistic chains of oppression, saying, “People need to tell their bosses, ‘F*** you.’”

“Privileging of Standard English contributes to political dysfunction.” He bemoaned,  “The movers-and-shakers are trapped in their well-educated bubble and cannot communicate with the folks who, as workers, are actually in the best position to understand how the world works.” He stressed the idea that people shouldn’t be made conscious of the kind of language they use at their workplace, “The workplace has way too much power and should not be allowed to determine something as fundamental as how we speak,” he argued. “People need to tell their bosses, ‘F*** you.’”

The communistic linguistics professor concluded, “as far as I am concerned, it is beneath my dignity as a scholar and poet to behave as some tedious enforcer of bourgeois civility.”


h/t sad grammar nazi


37 Comments on Professor – Combatting Illiteracy is Racist

  1. As a community college teacher, I had to sit through a talk on African American Vernacular English, which is supposed to be based on East African languages, which black Americans haven’t heard in over 5 generations.

    In old Raymond Chandler novels, blacks conjugated the verb “to be” as “I is, you is, he is, dey is,” etc. Now they conjugate it “I be, you be, he be, dey be,” etc. When did that change, and why?

  2. How come college costs are continually rising and the caliber of the instructors is lowering to the point where a functional idiot like this guy is conducting classes?

  3. Jackhole. He would be the idiot to advocate to all children to write in ebonics so that when they hit that ACT or SAT they are complete failures. Wonder if he understands that phrase, keeping them down?

  4. The Professor sounds like a passive-aggressive urban terrorist to me. He wants to ensure people of color do not get a quality education and cannot succeed in life. He is also exhibiting a blatant case of the racism of lowered expectations.

  5. Turns out the guy isn’t just a commie, he’s gay, too, and he actually admires the work of — wait for it — Lena Dunham! Seems to have an obsession with circumcision, too. His website ( ) is a slop jar of arrogance, decadence and preposterous pretension.

  6. The left-wing has become slowly indistinguishable as human beings.

    They will complain and out-radical each other, until eventually everyone in charge will be bullied to their whim, and universities, and pop culture will be even worse than it already is.

  7. A number of years ago there was a real push in the LA area (among others) for black students to receive their education in Ebonics. A slang/combination of english, urban speak and other bits and pieces. I was kind of surprised because one of the ways that white South Africans enforced apartheid were laws that forced blacks to be educated in whatever language their tribe used. They weren’t allowed to be educated in English or Afrikaans which effectively crippled their chances for any real advancement. Imagine blacks insisting on essencially imposing aparteid rules on black kids. Anyway, it died down after awhile after realization set in about what would happen. It sounds like this professor is actually a racist himself, trying to cripple black education and enhancement by raising a form of an old apartheid law. Maybe BLM and Antifa ought to pay him a visit.

  8. I hear what he is saying. Hes saying “Im a white homo professor that likes licking sweaty black men that are stoned on the crack and heroin I supply them with. I make them feel good. I pray they will like me and spare me from beating me to death as I stand next to them and bash other whites along with them. If I’m nice to them maybe they will spare me and let me keep locking them”.

  9. Geez, I had it backwards-
    Blackness is superior to whiteness. When I say it’s superior to whiteness I’m suddenly superior to other whites that disagree with me, especially in the eyes of the feral apeman that might otherwise rape and murder me.

    Who knew he was angling TO GET RAPED?

  10. Geez.
    As someone else pointed out- he is teaches Midieval Literature. He knows there’s no future in that, once all the statues of Washington are gone and the Constitution is shredded.
    He would do well at Harvard, what with their new admissions standards. That place is turning into a prep school for community colleges.
    okey doke!

  11. Medieval lit is a tiny inbred field of little merit other than for esoteric atmosphere in the Faculty Club. This guy is just looking for attention. He’s probably up for tenure and needs some name recog.

  12. I had to respond, cross-posted here:
    So how can anyone make a living writing satire and parody when reality is so much more bizarre than anything anyone could imagine? If you can forget for a moment that this sort of near daily occurrence is true, it’s the funniest shit you’re likely to read. Ever.

  13. Uh, I don’t like this professor (or what I know of him) either, but medieval lit isn’t an inbred field of little merit. While the common individual wasn’t in a position to write down his memoir, literature of the age reflects history itself. All the history we have forgotten or lost is to our detriment, and these days knowing that is more crucial than ever.

  14. I find it interesting how correcting the grammar of a person of color is considered racist, while asserting that people of color are incapable of conducting a coherent conversation is not.

  15. The comedian Chris Rock once said that books were like Kryptonite to Ni66ers.

    I suspect a Medeval literature book would cause instant death. This man wants to kill ni66ers.

  16. Esperanto as a world dominator of language was a flash in the pan. ‘Course there weren’t factions on every side seeking to prove their virtue, and the victim olympics were small potatoes. This kind of thinking must be taken out, root and branch.

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