Like moths to a flame, lemmings to a cliff, morons go after imagery that’s been in the neighborhood for years – IOTW Report

Like moths to a flame, lemmings to a cliff, morons go after imagery that’s been in the neighborhood for years

SUDDENLY OUTRAGED, because they’ve been told to be, neighbors of a man who’s been flying the confederate flag in the East Village of NYC for more than a year have been hurling rocks at his window.

My Lord, it is simple to influence the simple.


A rabble-rouser is raising the ire of East Village residents with a rebel flag.

Angry neighbors tossed rocks and hurled insults Wednesday at the windows of an E. Eighth St. apartment where a pair of Confederate flags were draped, backlit by bright lights.

Cops blocked off the area outside the building around 11 p.m. and were trying to talk to the tenant, according to Mike Schweinsberg, the ABCD block association president.

“We don’t want a riot here,” Schweinsberg said.

Dozens of neighbors crowded along lines of police tape to gawk at the banners.

A video obtained by the Daily News shows a man lobbing rocks at the sixth-floor windows of the building, on the corner of Avenue D, earlier in the day.

The NYPD said no arrests were made at the address.


ht/ js


13 Comments on Like moths to a flame, lemmings to a cliff, morons go after imagery that’s been in the neighborhood for years

  1. The Sniper’s Prayer (Saving Private Ryan)
    Be not that far from me, for trouble is near;
    Haste Thee to help me.
    Blessed be the Lord my strength,
    which teacheth my hands to war,
    and my fingers to fight.
    My goodness, and my fortress;
    My high tower, and my deliverer;
    My shield, and he in whom I trust;
    Who subdueth my people under me.
    O my God, I trust in thee:
    Let me not be ashamed,
    Let not mine enemies triumph over me.

  2. Instead of arresting the colossal idiots haplessly throwing rocks (at the address) the MSM scum notes that “no one was arrested at the address”.

    One pathetic moron added “It’s disrespectful, it’s disrespecting the whole neighborhood,” said Mary C., 51. “It’s not about hating him or trying to hurt him . . . but we need to sit him down and let him know in this neighborhood it’s not a good idea.”

    The brain-dead twits “in the hood” NEED to sit him down and force him to “think” like they do so America will somehow be a “better place” when people aren’t allowed to express their own opinions.

    Yet these brainless dullards that want to destroy our history wonder why normal people despise the very air that these oxygen thieves are stealing from patriotic Americans in order to propagate their idiocy.

  3. The guy with the flags is enjoying the exploding heads on the street below. I give him credit for the balls to do it though I’d have to question his sanity.

  4. @Jim August 18, 2017 at 5:03 am

    “I don’t like that…so I want to kill you”.

    Why Jim, that’s downright un-American.

    America’s brightest and best hire people to kill those they don’t like.

    (Oh, I know. They don’t really. I was just joshin’. America’s brightest and best distribute letters of marque shielding their lessers from legal entanglements for killing those their betters don’t like, and looting the corpses. Only an average better actually pays their thugs. Don’t be that guy.)

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