Six Flags Over Texas Drops Stars and Bars Flag – IOTW Report

Six Flags Over Texas Drops Stars and Bars Flag

ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) – The Confederate flag will no longer wave at Six Flags Over Texas. Instead, the Dallas-area theme park will fly six American flags.

The Arlington park’s Friday change comes as communities across the nation debate Confederate memorials and symbols after the deadly rally over a Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Spokeswoman Sharon Parker says they “always choose to focus on celebrating the things that unite us versus those that divide us.”

The park was named for the six flags that’ve flown over Texas. In addition to the Confederate flag, the others were those of Spain, Mexico, France, the Republic of Texas and the U.S.

ht/ PHenry

22 Comments on Six Flags Over Texas Drops Stars and Bars Flag

  1. Take away the symbolism of your opposition and continue to work your way to the core of total control.
    The leftist, Marxists, Commie Bastards, Democraps will never give up their pursuit of turning America into a shit-hole Republican banana dictatorship. Death is the only thing they understand.

  2. I’m sick of the whole “Please don’t hurt us” whine coming from decent conservatives across the spectrum. There’s nothing to apologize for. Now it’s the Stars and Bars, tomorrow it will be the Stars and Stripes, then it will be The Workers of the World flag over the WH.

  3. Great! And just like that, no more racism. Poof, gone, vaporized!
    Hey, I´ve got elephant repellent that has reliably kept elephants out of my back yard too. Never mind the fact that there are no wild elephants in Ohio, that´s not really the point…

  4. As much as I despise the Demo(n)crats and their Confederacy, I must point out that the Stars and Bars was not the Confederacy’s national flag; it was its battle flag.

    After the Union won, every officer who had put off the uniform of the United States, put on the uniform of the Confederacy, and had led men into battle against their former comrades at arms, should have been hanged for mutiny. Had they just seceded and not waged war against the Union, that would have been a different kettle of fish. Remember Ft. Sumter!

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