Prayer Organizer Responds To Pelosi: ‘I’m Brown,’ ‘She’s Trying to Rile Up Citizens’ to Violence – IOTW Report

Prayer Organizer Responds To Pelosi: ‘I’m Brown,’ ‘She’s Trying to Rile Up Citizens’ to Violence

CNS: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is calling for the National Park Service to revoke the permit for a Patriot Prayer event because she says it’s a “white supremacist rally” – even though the organizer and all but one speaker are not white.

“The National Park Service’s decision to permit a white supremacist rally at Crissy Field raises grave and ongoing concerns about public safety,” House Minority Leader Pelosi declared in a statement calling for cancellation of the conservative event scheduled for Aug. 26 in San Francisco, California.

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13 Comments on Prayer Organizer Responds To Pelosi: ‘I’m Brown,’ ‘She’s Trying to Rile Up Citizens’ to Violence

  1. Dems are doing all they can to distract us from historic democrat scandals. Every day another Clinton or Obama felony is discovered and the media is purposely focusing on non issues to keep us distracted. The riots, protests, presidential responses are non issues but the democrat strategy of keeping us from talking about democrat felonies is working quite well isn’t it?

  2. Looks like she will be keeping McCain company in the afterlife. As a matter of fact, I bet most of their buds and colleagues are there with them.
    Have fun and don’t forget to bring some marshmallows with you !

  3. Reckless endangerment? Let’s see a televised announcement by all the speakers of a law suit of this lowlife woman. Make her defend the indefensible. She may have immunity if speaking on the House floor, but the mockery would be priceless.

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