Monument to The Unknown Confederate Soldier Dedicated Yesterday – IOTW Report

Monument to The Unknown Confederate Soldier Dedicated Yesterday

Brantley, AL now has a brand new marker to provide a remembrance for the unknown confederate soldier of the Civil War who was unable to make it home. About 200 people were there for the unveiling yesterday. The simple stone plaque resides within a confederate memorial park created on private land adjoining the Dry Creek RV park.


5 Comments on Monument to The Unknown Confederate Soldier Dedicated Yesterday

  1. From Monument to Cenotaph

    “In all human lot there has nothing better.. been found for man than to die for his country. If there be any virtue, if there be any praise, this fate is to be preferred above all others. We feel it is well with those who have thus fulfilled the highest of all trusts.. the duty of a citizen to his native land, and whatever may have been their private faults, their public service on the field of battle has rightly given them a place with the immortals. Theirs was the martyr’s devotion… without the martyr’s hope.

  2. Although I was always taught and trained to believe (and I do) that my duty was to make the other son-of-a-bitch die for his country, I revere “all” American Military men and women who gave their full measure of life to ensure the rights and liberties established by our Founders and we share in the United States are a sacred trust to be inherited by future generations.

  3. That man died for his country. Congress made them all American Veterans.
    He’s a Veteran. He gave up all he ever had or would have had. He gave it all.
    I say you desecrate a statue about the Civil War, you get shot with a weapon from that time, and then treated with the medicines and remedies of the day.

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