Two More Portraits For Our Patriot Pet Gallery – IOTW Report

Two More Portraits For Our Patriot Pet Gallery

Meet Buddy and Oscar…



That’s a lot of hair!!

They were fun to paint.

23 Comments on Two More Portraits For Our Patriot Pet Gallery

  1. Oscar’s wild fur in front of his eyes made me think you embellished a bit, Fur. Then I went back to the photo and, tada, you captured him perfectly!

    They are both handsome boys.

  2. Fur, you are so darned talented!!

    My middle fur baby Kenner Bailey, world’s #1 chiweenie, has terminal cancer. He’s fine right now, albeit kind of lumpy….the tumors make him look like he has a battery pack on his backside.

    I’ll be DM’ing you in the near future for a portrait. He’s been my BFF for 10 years & I’m gonna want to immortalize him – he is the sweetest animal I’ve ever had!!

  3. FUR
    I look at all that snout hair and curly fur on Oscar going in all different directions and I would not know where to start.
    I’ll stick with paint-by-numbers.
    Hat’s off to you.

  4. Thank you, Fur. You have no idea how hard it was at first to contemplait giving up the Ally Sheedy Breakfast Club avatar. It was/is, the perfect look for how I usually feel about how life parades by me. 🙂 I am so proud of the painting you did for me and proudly display it in my home.

  5. MJA, Oscar’s face looks like that, thanks to Buddy. Every morning, first thing, Buddy gives Oscar a face bath. Buddy seems to think it is his job to “groom” his little brother. The results are always hilarious, and BFH captured Oscar’s “face-bath face” perfectly.

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