Soon To Be On the Ash Heap of Dirtbag History – IOTW Report

Soon To Be On the Ash Heap of Dirtbag History

21 Comments on Soon To Be On the Ash Heap of Dirtbag History

  1. Trump should go after the group with RICO charges
    The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly referred to as the RICO Act or simply RICO, is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization

  2. Useful idiots, only they are idiots useful in demonstrating the dangers of the current Democrat party. Talk about a misfire. Thanks to them everyone is hating the left, even the left.

  3. Everybody knows that billy boy ayers and his fugly wife Bernadine Dohrn were pretty much the founding members of the Weather underground back in the 60’s. Both of them should be rotting away in a federal prison somewhere for the rest of their miserable lives. I despise both of them and the damned yippies who started all this shit back in 1968 during the Democratic natl. convention in Chicago.

  4. I wwant to officially change the moniker of these maggots to “Fanarchists” because contrary to their self styled moniker of ‘anti’-facists, they are exactly facist. They are also Anarchists, resulting in Fanarchist. If we called them simply Anarchists, this would at least be descriptive of their most obvious trait.

    I hope DJT has flushed enough of Barkys minions to have the CIA infiltrate them, and get to their power structure.

  5. Antifa, Anarchists, Fanarchists, Antichrists, etc….
    The only good thing about them is all the major Leftist Asswipes (especially in Hollywood) that they smoke outta the woodwork for everyone to see for what they really are!
    Then on the other side of the coin there are all the James Woods types that we find out about as well.
    Make those lists and check ’em twice just to find out who’s been naughty or nice!
    And remember!

  6. FREE SPEECH RALLY SATURDAY AT 11:00A.M. CAMPUS MALL! ALL SPEECH MATTERS! (U.S. flag in background) Put up electrified Confederate flag and film the fun.

    Hang this up all over leftist campuses, and let them tire themselves up and blow a weekend preparing for a non-existent event. Repeat.

  7. Did we ever have a follow-up on “I Need My Service Animal!”?

    Threatening black-garbed woman turned into big cry-baby needing her teddy bear.

    What animal was she talking about, anyway? Her boyfriend?

  8. Executive order banning gov recruiting and grants to any campus with Antifa, BAMN, Islamic supremacist and similar groups. Hit them, the faculty and administrators in the pocket book. Also helps keep Commies out of government. There are already way too many inside.

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