Is “Get Awakened” too grammatically correct for the “Get Woke” sect? – IOTW Report

Is “Get Awakened” too grammatically correct for the “Get Woke” sect?

  • Beloit College recently published a “#GetWoke” syllabus in an effort to encourage students to familiarize themselves with the anti-Trump resistance movement.
  • Among the resources included in the syllabus are related syllabi on similar topics, such as a “Syllabus for White People to Educate Themselves,” and another on how “All Monuments Must Fall.”

Campus reform-

The syllabus, called “#GetWoke: Activism and Organizing During 45 Syllabus,” was created by the school’s diversity office for its upcoming “#GetWoke lecture series,” providing a “general overview of white supremacy, fascism, race and racism, and nation-state.”

“Since the election of the 45th President, the United States has seen a rise in the number of protests and organized forms of resistance to the current administration,” the syllabus notes, adding that “since the 2016 Presidential election, the question of what it means to protest and organize in the current administration is pressing.”

The syllabus then suggests that protesting is “at the heart of what it means to demand the state sees you when you sit at the margins of society,” encouraging students to listen to protest songs such as KRS One’s “Sound of Da Police,” or read texts like “Social Justice Organizing” for inspiration.

Although the syllabus never explicitly encourages involvement in the movement, a recentFacebook post from the diversity office asks students who are “frustrated by what is going on in the world and don’t know where to start” to “take a look” at the syllabus as a “starting place for resources.”

Among the resources included in the syllabus are related syllabi on similar topics, such as a “Syllabus for White People to Educate Themselves,” and another on how “All Monuments Must Fall.”


h/t lower education

17 Comments on Is “Get Awakened” too grammatically correct for the “Get Woke” sect?

  1. “Woke”, is guttural, immediate hood speak that’s easy to spell. God only knows how a generation of social media illiterates would spell and pronounce, “awakened”.

  2. That’s Just Scary ! Freshman Children Arrive and Told if They Get Confused, Just Become a Social Warrior… Wer’e a College We Can’t Lie !!!
    Who The Fu<k Wasn't Confused at 19 ???

  3. There’s a less than obvious implication in #GETWOKE and it isn’t in the WOKE part. It’s the GET, because it implies a transitive verb action initiated and accomplished by an external actor. To BECOME AWAKE (or AWAKENED) is an intransitive action where the person experiencing the action is also the actor.

    #GETWOKE implies a passive person needing the collective to sculpt his thinking for him rather than someone actively building a set of values based on acquired knowledge filtered through personal values.

  4. Defund every phucking college that is receiving federal and state funds. Make them earn the rights to stay open.

    Public school? Close the shithole or fire the persons pushing the anti government teachings.

  5. So reverse racism is what passes for official diversity on campus now? I agree–pull all federal funding and get the government out of student loans. Let the SJWs try to get loans from a bank to pay for their useless degrees.

  6. The syllabus includes a big section on BLM history. Presented as if that’s where time began. Not much happened before black lives, other than oppressive white males. That’s all you need to know.

    The fact I consider BLM a racist hate group makes me a racist hater. Gee, what creative spin. I know you are, but what am I? I’m wrong, that’s what I am – because of the white.

  7. Believe me, there is nothing like being woke up a 4:30 AM in the morning to reveille blasting and the Company Commander yelling, “Wake up you lazy bastards or motherfuckers (can they even say that in boot camp anymore)” and “Drop your cocks and grab your socks.” “It’s time to shit, shower and shave.” If that doesn’t wake you up, nothing will.

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