DNC Lawsuit Tossed on Technicality – IOTW Report

DNC Lawsuit Tossed on Technicality

The case alleging that the Democratic National Committee committed fraud against those who gave it money was dismissed by the presiding judge late last month saying that the plaintiff failed to show “concrete injury.”


Despite the ruling, the class action did generate some interesting admissions from the defendant’s lawyers, including their belief that the party can pick its presidential candidate anyway it likes, with or without nominations from the primary process.

Tim Black gives a heart-felt commentary on the state of the Democrat party after these revelations, Here

(Be sure to read the comments.  More than a few  Democrats vow to never support their party ever again).

10 Comments on DNC Lawsuit Tossed on Technicality

  1. “Now that We’ve been found innocent of any wrong doing…We can only

    hope that the Public will open it’s eyes and Hearts to the other DNC

    interests…and let Iran and North Korea run their own Nuclear Weapons

    Programs without the prying eyes of the west”

  2. Kind of a disjointed rant and really didn’t describe what the lawsuit was about even though he stated at the beginning that most people didn’t know anything about it. In any event with regard to his diatribe against the Democrat Party elite that choose a candidate regardless of what the majority want I guess he forgot about Obama who popped and sandbagged Clinton 9 years ago with the help (and actually under the direction) of those same elite’s he’s banging on today. Funny that.

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