Curse of the Woke Conservatives! – IOTW Report

Curse of the Woke Conservatives!

So what does the GOP establishment do in 2018 when it comes before us dirty, nasty normals and tries to make the case that its members deserve being reelected to Congress instead of being tarred and feathered? After seven years of solemn assurances, it couldn’t even get its act together and keep its promise to put a stake through the heart of the abomination that is Obamacare. But hey – when Donald Trump kept his promise to undo DACA, that sure spurred the True Conservatives to action. The deductibles my employees pay just went up two grand a year because if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor or something, yet that sort of real world pain for real world people doesn’t spur our righteous Conservative, Inc., stalwarts to action. But threaten to actually enforce a law Congress passed and cut the monocle-and-top-hat set off from cheap foreign serfs who will vote hard left if given the chance? Now that’s an emergency. All hands on deck!

Of the S.S. Conservative Titanic.

Republicans, you can be proud of me! I went to Washington, left Obamacare in place, complained that Donald Trump was mean to the liberals who hate us, and started down the road to amnesty, just like you wanted! And by ‘you’ I mean the Wall Street Journal editorial board, some fussy Never Trumpers on Twitter, and the GOP wonks who used to read Ayn Rand books while normal guys were kissing girls.”

Boy oh boy, it must sure suck for you that we conservatives are now woke.


Woke,” that hilariously dopey term used by semi-literate leftists when they sort of mean “aware,” is just too sweet a word not to confiscate and deploy on our own behalf.

It perfectly describes us normals’ now-permanent state of agitated readiness in anticipation of the latest way the conservacreeps are going to try to shaft us. We’re woke, which means we’re watching, and more than that, we’re acting on our wokedness. That’s why Felonia von Pantsuit is busy pounding bourbon and writing books blaming Bernie and Russia instead of being busy purging that troublesome Bill of Rights of our troublesome civil rights.

Bad news, losers: We are hella woke, and there’s no turning back.   Read More

17 Comments on Curse of the Woke Conservatives!

  1. “…and the GOP wonks who used to read Ayn Rand books while normal guys were kissing girls.”

    Perfect description! hahaahh! Good old capital “C” Conservative. Ya know, those arrogant fools who deign to school the rest of us smelly hillbillies in what is “true” conservatism?

  2. The dinosaurs within the Republican party should start to become extinct by 2018, I wish the goof p[eople of Kentucky would reccall that bumbling idiot McConnell, and turn him out to pasture.

  3. If you ever wonder why Trump sided with the Democrats on the debt ceiling just watch the next available Ryan press conference. They’ve become depressing as all hell because you know he can’t get shit done.

  4. Whom ever was on for Mark Levin tonight on the radio was butt hurt that Trump used Nancy and Schumer as a way to bitch slap Ryan and McConnell. He felt he could have done it with making dems look good.
    Since we seen the Ryan and Mitch have no plans of helping Trump he turned it them as being ineffective leaders.
    Now is the time to primary those that are not towing the line with the president. Trump is playing the two idiots and showing us how useless they are. He has just stolen their power. And decoder rings.


    And go campaign AGAINST the Republicans who won’t step aside. Back all primary opponents. We’re with you, just give us the orders!

  6. Whom ever was on for Mark Levin tonight on the radio was butt hurt that Trump used Nancy and Schumer as a way to bitch slap Ryan and McConnell. He felt he could have done it with making dems look good.

    That was Ben Shapiro filling in for Mark Levin tonight.

  7. I plan to vote against every republican incumbent in the primaries. If the R is no different than the D in the general election, I won’t vote for either. I’m sick of these two faced bastards.

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